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Everything posted by Pars

  1. Pars

    The Menace

    No, it looks good.
  2. Pars

    The Menace

    A pair of vice-grips.... industrial
  3. Artist: Secret Machines Album: 10 Silver Drops Song: can't recall Lyric: Just because I'm wrong doesn't mean you're right...
  4. Pars

    The Menace

    Check out PartsPipe on fleabay... he could probably get something to you fast enough and save the hi-dollar knob for something else...
  5. Pars

    The Menace

    You have a drillpress, right? How about a drillpress vise, like one of those cheapies from Harbor Freight or whatever? I had to drill a couple out, and it was quite easy. Just wrap them in a rag or something and fasten them down as best you can, level if possible is good...
  6. if he is, those might explain why the one CD I have sounds the way it does...
  7. Fixed that for ya Who was it that did the parody on this, with the lyrics "I am woman, hear me bitch buy my records, make me rich"
  8. Pars

    The Menace

    x2 on the diary, although I want to hear about drill bits that fucking work and cut a clean, correctly sized hole! Preferably in the right spot... As for your insulator, how about some high-temp RTV sealer (gasket compound)? Auto parts store... maybe even in black...
  9. Pars

    The Menace

    Yeah, I wasn't sure how bifurcated hole saws vs. steel (I assume the amp case is also?) was going to fare. I know they are fine for most aluminum, but steel... Good luck on the last two holes. But look at the bright side... unlike an SS amp, here you get the casing mostly done up front
  10. Good... good... oh wait, you can't read this anymore, can you?
  11. There is also the issue of the mantra that higher voltage film caps sound better... this could be why you will see 600V or higher rated caps for coupling when far lower ratings would be safe. My Counterpoint pre has 200V wondercaps for coupling stock, but that designer is known to underspec at times also, so I'm not sure if that tells me anything
  12. Am I glad I don't know that song... same thing happened to me with some of the crap '70s songs a bit earlier
  13. Pars

    The Menace

    You need to adopt me so I can just wander around seeing what's just "laying around" to use for builds... Between wandering around at your place and KGs... Looks good so far!
  14. Yay Reks! I just hope you like it after ermmm, recommending it to you.
  15. Could be, its been a few years since I read it. He was arguing against driver break-in though IIRC. Seems like it was Tom Noussaine, but its been awhile (he is/was a columnist in the Sensible Sound I think). And I'm not saying I buy it either; just throwing it out there
  16. People always toss out driver burn-in (or break-in) as a given, but there was a guy on the newsgroups (rec.audio.?) that said he had done mucho testing on loudspeakers and that after being played, the speaker went back pretty much to the state it was in before being played, or at least alot closer than you would think. You would think that sooner or later, the coefficient of elasticity, etc. would be permanently changed. Dunno, just thought I would toss that out there.
  17. I listened to Morphsci's K-701s at a Chicago meet and they did sound good from his GS-X. They were still reminiscent of my K-601s from my Gilmore V2 DIY, just more fleshed out. For the record, I have never owned Senn HD600s or HD650s and have only listened to them at meets, but I have heard them balanced via a Dynamight and SE via KGs Dynahi, and I would have to say I don't care for them. I know, heresy... VILLAGER #1: We have found a witch. May we burn her? BEDEVERE: So, why do witches burn? [pause] VILLAGER #3: B--... 'cause they're made of... wood? BEDEVERE: Good! Heh heh. So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood? BEDEVERE: Does wood sink in water? VILLAGER #1: No. No. VILLAGER #2: No, it floats! It floats! BEDEVERE: What also floats in water? ARTHUR: A duck! CROWD: Oooh. BEDEVERE: Exactly. So, logically... VILLAGER #1: If... she... weighs... the same as a duck,... she's made of wood. BEDEVERE: And therefore? VILLAGER #2: A witch! VILLAGER #1: A witch! CROWD: A witch! A witch!... VILLAGER #4: Here is a duck. Use this duck. [quack quack quack] The Senns are very polite cans, but toss some large symphonic on them (Mahler, and loud) and they just turn into mush, balanced or not. Of course, this was at a meet, so some more time might be in order. I can see where you guys might like them for jazz though. For now I'll take the AKGs, thanks.
  18. Sorry, on my work windoze machine... can't see the pics that well. Internal toslink... wtf?? Why not use I2S?
  19. Sure that isn't 75 ohm coax connecting the SPDIF output on the back? In which case, that is the right way to do it assuming transformer and interface is done correctly also...
  20. Pars

    OICDN Fan

    It was in the members lounge and had to do with a transaction on another forum (apparently bicycle related) back in 2005? I didn't follow the link that was posted though... Nate (bad Nate) did his usual to try to deflect this as some guy who was shipped something and claimed it didn't arrive even though bNate said he had proof of delivery. Same song and dance about getting a check from the shipper and sending it to the offended party (deja-f'ing-vu?).
  21. Oohhh... '00s = 1900 instead of 2000? That'd be like Mahler, which would probably change my vote...
  22. Pars

    Markl Mods

    Preferably with a cliff involved...
  23. That is UP-OCC wire I take it? Mind telling me who's it is and where you get it from? I figured partsconnexion, but don't see any red 24ga there...
  24. Pars

    CA tube sale

    Yeah, jeez what was I thinkin, with Silicon Valley in the link... Actually, I should have put it in the topic... my bad.
  25. Which set was supposed to be the good songs? Oh right, the one with Black Dog in it. I grew up in the '60s and '70s, and I can't stand the '70s in general. Of course I didn't recognize some of the songs in the good list or don't remember them... unfortunately I think I recognized all of the songs in the bad list Almost voted for the '80s, but went with the '90s instead, although a case for the '60s could be made (LZ, Hendrix, the early GOOD Who as opposed to whatever that was in the mid/late '70s, etc.).
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