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Everything posted by Pars

  1. People recommend the Hakko Dash if you can find it for a decent price (simple pencil 25W iron IIRC). Not sure about the Xytronic that Naamanf is using, but that might be worth checking into. Fry's does carry Hakko tips in stock, so if you got something online that could use Hakko tips... http://www.tequipment.net/HakkoN454.html
  2. x2 on the tips suck, even when new, even when taken care of. You're on the west coast? No Fry's around? They carry Weller and Hakko and probably more. Home Depot or Lowes might have something in the 25W or so range (Weller probably)? I'd try to get anything other than ratshack if I were you.
  3. God, what a pain in the ass! I hope I never do business with this person
  4. That I agree with as I hear this all the time. My power amp needs to be on at least an hour (I normally leave it on all the time). If I just fire it up, it does sound harsh for awhile. If it has already been on, it does not.
  5. Burn-in seems to be a case of burning in the ears. That said, my power amp (Odyssey) is said to absolutely require burn-in, even by the manufacturer (Klauss, who is well respected throughout the audio community from what I can tell, unlike others). Of course I bought mine used, so I cannot attest one way or the other. In general, I still feel that claims of many hours of burn-in required are absolute bullshit. Particularly the B-I blogs on HF...
  6. Yep. I did a search after posting and discovered it was 2Vrms, not Vpp that was common. I always get confused on these
  7. Pars

    Post Your Pet

    Our cat(tle), Mae: [img width=150 height=113 alt=cattle]http://www.head-case.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=2607&g2_serialNumber=2&g2_GALLERYSID=d7a5cc2bfec541dda7e3baed3e4241fd
  8. Sound like it would be of interest. If you need any help (layout, whatever)...
  9. You'll burn in hell for that one
  10. http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=1497989 Pretty good, but really needs a pricing lesson from JENA Labs...
  11. Hehe... nice one Voltron!
  12. Hmm, for some reason I thought 2Vpp was standard for single-ended? As always, I could be wrong...
  13. It has been deleted now... I would agree that the tone and writing style is pretty consistent between the Jennifer Crock post and the Jena Labs website post. One difference in the "Crock" post was the use of JENA LABS in all caps below, as compared to JENA Labs everywhere else (their website, etc. when they don't go by the LLC company name). Speaking of which, given their return policy and attitude that "even if we did it, it's not out fault", it is interesting that the actual company name is Jena Technologies, LLC. As in Limited Liability Company... as in EXTREMELY Limited...
  14. Gotta give her props... she writes well It is a crock...
  15. Very nice Justin! I look forward to listening impressions from CanJam.
  16. Pars

    The Menace

    Oooohhhh, me too! And make sure you clean any blood off the holes... man, I just can't deal with that
  17. Kevin, Weren't you building a couple/three of these (Dynafet) ala Blowtorch (solid alu chassis, etc.)? How are those coming along?
  18. Where did the KGSS PCBs come from? And IIRC, did I also see BH PCBs? I don't ever remember seeing a group buy or anything for these on HF?
  19. JenaLabs (that is a crock... Labs, like they really do any research) has been ripping people off for years with some of the most insanely good deals on virgin nymph-woven fairy dusted cabling. I can't believe they would risk further damage to their reputation over $1000 which judging from the pricing on most of their products is mice nuts. And the thing with morph??? WTF? He has to work for them or some other connection to them. Shill?
  20. Marc, Sorry, just placed an order around noon today. Did you just order? Digikey will add stuff on if you catch it soon enough. Chris
  21. Thanks for the link. You're joking on the cryoing, right? (not up on my thermal shit, but 0.0001 C/W doesn't sound like its worth it...).
  22. Are these still available? I could maybe use some if so. They are stick on?
  23. Could you maybe put a bunch of these things in so users could ya know, like tune the sound like ya know, helmolz rosinators or some such shit like that? That'd rawk
  24. Kinda kicking myself for missing this one...
  25. Pars

    Markl Mods

    Me either... oh wait, I've never written any reviews
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