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Everything posted by Pars

  1. And who might this be? The only Thailand vendor I knew of closed down.
  2. A B22 would certainly be a candidate. As for kits, jrossel (Glass Jar Audio) has them. Your on your own for casework however. IIRC, Thrice builds B22s occasionally/all the time? An M3 might also suit you as well. No one is building Dynahis anymore AFAIK, but a used one (avoiding certain builders) would be good as well.
  3. Decline from a very low starting bar height Lars... greatest drummer evah
  4. Happy Birthday Pete!
  5. I have some 337s so will shoot 1 or 2 off to naamanf tomorrow.
  6. I think I have some, will look tonight.
  7. Happy Birthday!!!
  8. KG had this to say in one post: http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphone-amplification/1296-corda-opera-post30900.html?highlight=ground+channel#post30900 I've never compared the same amp in a 2 channel vs. 3 channel variety, so can't say.
  9. Happy Birthday!!!
  10. Pics show up for me just fine... congrats!
  11. Yeah, that would probably work. I would prefer a button with a shoulder on it, but if the buttons fit the switches well (as in tight), etc. those would be good. One thing that can help alot, particularly if you are going to be attaching PCBs to a front panel, is to back the front panel with a piece of clear plexiglass. I don't know how thick you were planning your front panel to be however.
  12. I really don't know since I've never used tactile switches and never done anything like this. Check Bergran's CD player out as he used 8 of them. I thought he had pics of the buttons he machined but I couldn't find them: Bergrans CD-Pro2M controller
  13. I think it is kind of a blind bore, or like one, where the hole from the rear is larger than the hole in front and "stepped" somewhere within the thickness of the panel. I know the FPE designer lets you do stuff like that. Figuring out what dimensions, etc. to use is another thing.
  14. FTFY
  15. You might also check to ensure that your intended XLR cables can fit that close together... probably not a problem for XLRs, but with some of these guys building garden hoses...
  16. Very nice! The XLRs are a bit tight together, but I suppose to fit everything in they need to be. I'd like a bit more material left between them if it were me.
  17. You just needed Carlo (IIRC?) to mod it for you...
  18. You already know the answer to that... as Grawk reminded you.
  19. Phono cartridges will do that... even then, you wonder whether its REALLY right...
  20. How about 2%? Digikey has the BC 416 series (Morsel likes these alot) BC2068-ND for the 0.047uf
  21. No, it was one while I was starting to / in process of doing it, and people were recommending programs. I could of sworn it was here on head-case as I would have a higher degree of trust in the answers than on other sites.
  22. Thanks, but I got it working fine. I thought this thread had more discussion on doing it and mentioned 2-3-4 or more programs... must have been elsewhere?
  23. Marc, Does that mean you have some of the duals, or some 2SA970 / 2SC2240s? Thanks Pete, I'll send you a pm. Chris
  24. Anyone have a pointer to pics of a Tektronix scope that is done point to point? I've always heard that if you want to do pt-pt right, do it like that... and a scope is a hell of a lot more complex than an amp.
  25. Pars


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