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Everything posted by Pars

  1. There's always Dantimax... Dantimax (elektronik) - Kits I should stay out of these discussions as I plan on my SE set to interchange with a Dynahi under construction, I already have case, pot, etc. and plan a very simple rear panel as this will only be a headamp.
  2. The D5 in the part number means a DIN-5 connector, which is what the TTVJ pic and your Elpac pic use. Interesting that clicking on the datasheet link goest to iccus corp. who it appears bought elpac. Looking at the commercial lineup, I don't see the WM071 listed anymore, though it is in the WM.pdf datasheet still, but that is an Elpac datasheet. Doesn't bode well for commercial gear using this PSU unless it is an oversight.
  3. Elpac only makes one linear +/-15Vdc wallwart IIRC: WM071-1950-D5 Now I suppose that TTVJ could have had Elpac do a custom version, but I would doubt it.
  4. That is a pretty ugly casing job. The power connector is marked +/-15V, so I would think a DPS should work. If it is using the same Elpac (WM071 something) then the pinout would be the same. If you try it, I would check output DC offset before I plugged anything into it.
  5. I would think that digikey or mouser should have it. Allied also has it, and has a 250' roll of Olympic clear jacketed on clearance: http://www.alliedelec.com/Search/SearchResults.aspx?Ntt=lamp+cord&N=4294965379&sid=11F6A430333A&Ntk=Primary 4th or 5th item down IIRC for $67
  6. I've looked this over a bit more and here are the comments I have. In general my viewpoint is geared towards making the board more tolerant of any rework required down the road, hence comments regarding pad and trace sizings (bigger usually is more tolerant of desoldering, etc.) Trace width seems rather small on a lot of the circuits. Pad size also is small for the thru hole components, particularly on the larger resistors (2 ohm I assume?) up by the output FETs. But really, on all components. Trimpot pads are minuscule (and I realize those are the stock library sizing). I see you have vregs in place to allow for +/- 15V opamp operation (ala Dynahi). Hopefully, this circuit does not require higher voltage swing on the servo (hence the original opa445)? Overall, very nice job!
  7. Damn, I must of missed that I may have to get one cuz I wasn't looking forward to dealing with steel for an IEC, etc. cutout.
  8. Had a brief look at it and from what I saw, it looks good. It appears you have provisions for 0805 SMD, 0.200" and 0.300" resistors? For the I/O boards, these would I assume be mainly geared towards the balanced builds (certainly the SE->bal transformers )? This is probably for Naaman: What jacks do you normally use for both XLR and RCA on such boards? If it would be possible to do a board that would suffice for both SE and balanced builds, that would be greaaaatttttt. Not sure how plausible that is though. Also, the rear panels on the hifi2000 Pesante Dissipante cases are painted steel, which FPE won't work with. I would suggest shipping the 10mm front panels to them, and then designing an aluminum rear panel that they would supply? Otherwise, find some place that would work the steel panels.
  9. Pete: You'd be doing it (or the builder). 0805 SMD is the size used on the PINT for example (and perhaps the mini3?). Small but not really hard to solder. Marc and/or Jacob: For an amp such as this, what advantages do you see in using SMD resistors? This isn't a high speed device (digital), so I wouldn't think that the shorter traces, etc, would be a huge advantage. Matching? Probably not. Marc: Have you found anyplace that you can buy reasonable quantities of either the KOA or the Susumu 0805s? I saw your thread asking about that in 2007.
  10. I was planning on Roedersteins MK3s, and PRPs. I've always liked the BC (now Phoenix/Vishay) MRS and SFR series (0.4W and 0.6W), but only the 0.4W would fit a 0.2" spacing. I just replaced a pair of 100 ohm MRS on an I/V board with PRPs and could hear the difference (PRPs were better). So, being time to speak up, I am less than thrilled with this option. I know it tightens the layout up alot, but the tradeoffs are unacceptable to me. Tombstoning is not really acceptable either. Do you know of any really good 0805 resistors that aren't an arm and a leg pricewise? I know that some of the stepped atten. manufacturers think the resistors they are using are better than the leaded ones they used to use, but I haven't seen anyone identify what they are using.
  11. Just noticed a problem on the schematic. Per post 72 in the headwize thread, only one of the two FB points for should be used. On the schematic here, both are being used. I would think using the point between the two 5k resistors would be best? [url=http://headwize.com/ubb/showpost.php?fnum=3&tid=6584&pid=59968&fpage=4]HeadWize: View Post [DIY Workshop
  12. Looks good. I assume that is ground plane (top) that is not rendered? What are the resistor package sizes? I guess I assumed when Marc (luvdunhill) asked for the 0.200" and 0805 SMD, that these would be in addition to an RN60D type footprint... guess not. That's alot of money to Texas Components... My only other comment at this point would be that it is my preference for an input connector that it be a Molex KK 0.100 rather than the Phoenix blocks, but that is minor. I would assume that the mounting holes match a Dynahi board, as well as the output device mounting holes? I measured 0.45" c-to-c on the output devices on a Dynahi board I had. Mounting holes were 4 9/16" and 3.5" c-to-c. You're pretty fast with Eagle, aren't you I was trying to recreate your previous layout this weekend and only got about halfway done with it. And was glad I didn't have to determine component placement...
  13. BTW, Charles Hansen has been noting some interesting observations on MOSFETs: DIYHiFi.org • View topic - push and pull me back into the limelight
  14. Yeah, I hear you. Marc: Your analogy to power amps should probably be change to preamp as a closer fit in terms of noise performance. But yes, I would think with a shielded trafo (or perhaps use of a split bobbin instead of a toroid) that single box should be fine. My dynalo (V2 headamp board) has an unshielded Amveco in there that was supposed to be mounted on the board (not a PCB trafo though). Mine is just off the board and I don't hear noise thru it. Granted, I dont have any IEMs to check it with.
  15. No. The original Gilmore dynamic (i.e., dynalo) used a +/- 16.4V PSU, which is probably what your Gilmore Reference uses. The Dynahi, etc. use +/- 30V PSUs. One other thing regarding the boards. The offset adjustment pots present on the Dynahi were not in the DynaFET schematic, nor on the board layouts that I have seen (though I could hav missed them). The pots were present on the google spreadsheet BOM however. The (2) 500 ohm resistors should be replaced with 620 ohm with a 10K pot in parallel with each.
  16. Yeah, I hope you make it home safely and get checked out in the hospital with no problems. Take care!
  17. It would be a good idea, I would think. Not sure who would do them though.
  18. Also, here is an Eagle library archive including the dual package devices: 2SJ109, 2SK389 transistor-toshiba.lbr 2SA1349, 2SC3381 transitor-pnp.lbr, transistor-npn.lbr respectively Eagle_toshiba_trans.zip
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. No, that's just for a production run.
  21. I got some preliminary pricing from Imagineering for a board run at 25, 50 and 100 pieces, with an option to double it at about half price. I included electrical testing just to see how much it was, but probably would not recommend it. It was never done for the dynalo/dynahi board runs. 25 boards = $8.32 + $4 tooling = $12.32 50 boards = $5.43 + $2 tooling = $7.43 100 boards = $3.98 + $1 tooling = $4.98 plus shipping and delivery to each person.
  22. Yes. 2 boards and I guess a sigma22 PSU. 80VA 2x30V trafo (or 30-0-30 or 60Vct). If you are going to do it in a single box, then trafo should be shielded if toroid; split bobbin or r-core should be fine as well. Additional sundry items such as case, volume pot, jacks, wiring, etc.
  23. Uhhh, yes you're right Let me return to my confusion. So, you guys actually like diptrace? I took a look at it this morning, and , at least with the schematic editor.
  24. They won't work for the duals (one device is flipped). They were laid out for singles. Singles in place of the duals have the flat of one device pointing 180 degrees from the flat of the other device (like the HS).
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