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Everything posted by Pars

  1. Win! Here I thought you were just showing off your desoldering equipment
  2. I'd take a look here. DIYHiFi.org • View topic - Ground question
  3. A pair of tickets to see U2 Sept. 13th at Soldier Field, Chicago. Actually, my wife bought them, I'm a bit meh about seeing them again. Main reason I went the last two times were the backup bands (PJ Harvey and Garbage). I'd rather be seeing Ken's show (NIN ) Oh well, should be OK.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. KG has one of these in his Dynahi, and I suspect also in the DynaFETs he built. I played around with the Dynahi at a meet and the PG was nice. Very nice.
  6. Good thinking; you're already getting the neighbors used to it. Now when the second and succeeding pallets appear, no problem
  7. Nice work!
  8. Cute. Is that a hifi2000 case? Nice whatever it is. Latest: 1/4 lb Cardas Quad solder 2 Caddock TF020s 40 PRP 20 ohm 1 Dynamicap (burnt one up ) 4 Cardas RCAs Neotech 1 Blackgate Std
  9. The shovel is the proven implement for these kinds of things...
  10. Well, I neglected to mention that at $2 apiece, they are a rip. But, in an emergency... Mouser catalog page showing shoulder washers, mounting kits, etc. http://www.mouser.com/catalog/637/1936.pdf
  11. You will likely also need the nylon shoulder washers that insulate the screw from the device tab (if metal). Ratshack sells these TO-220 Mounting Hardware - RadioShack.com
  12. Access to the Eagle files would take care of that issue...
  13. Happy Birthday Duggeh!
  14. Pars

    TKD pot

    I don't know about that. TKD's datasheet for the CP2500/2511 pots only shows stereo (2CP2511 for example), but the german seller thel.de clearly has up to 8 gang versions of these available. If those aren't real TKD, they are a damn good clone.
  15. Pars

    TKD pot

    Percy Audio is the only place I know of that sells these. I've never used one.
  16. From amb.org: Please note that in the 3-channel "active ground" configuration, some part values in the ground channel differ from that of the left and right channels. See the following table: Part Left & Right channels Ground channel R1 475Ω (not used) R2 1MΩ 1KΩ R3 (see table below) 2.49KΩ R4 (see table below) 2.49KΩ C2-C5 (see table below) 100pF The following table shows the left and right channel part values when building the β22 with a non-default voltage gain (gain of 8x is the default): L & R Part Gain 11x Gain 8x Gain 5x Gain 2x R3 100Ω 182Ω 392Ω 2.49KΩ R4 1KΩ 1.21KΩ 1.5KΩ 2.49KΩ C2-C5 22pF 33pF 47pF 100pF These values were carefully tuned for the an optimal combination of speed/bandwidth and stability. The β22 should not be operated with a gain of less than 2x.
  17. Since that DAC is SMD, it might be rather easy to just parallel a resistor on top of the current I/V resistor. Figuring out which is the I/V resistor might be somewhat fun, though it would be on the first opamps. It would need to be lowered some in value to decrease the output level, so paralleling a 10K or something might be good. Lowest gain on the beta is 2, so no joy there.
  18. Ya know, if you want to hold off on the SumR's until a proto is built, I probably won't be using the 120VA 2x30V fully shielded SumR I have for awhile. Someone is welcome to use it to test with as long as I get it back in the same condition that it leaves here in
  19. Anyone played around with these guys stuff: Grimm Audio Just curious...
  20. Can you adjust the gain of the b22? Amb shows R3/R4 values for a gain down to 2 (which is as low as it can go)? I would think that would be better if possible. Otherwise, yeah, you will want to use good resistors. There are some resistors in the amp that are also in the signal path, so I'm not sure that going really special here (TX2575s, etc.) will buy you that much over something like Dales or PRPs.
  21. Dynalo? Interesting meter. Good deal?
  22. Black Angels-Directions to See a Ghost
  23. Yeah, that's really awful. Sorry to hear that.
  24. Supertramp... Live in the City of Lights (IIRC)... Simple Minds as well (their live album in Paris) The Sensational Alex Harvey Band A Flock of Seagulls (I just love the guitarist's sound) thats all I can think of right now
  25. Are the "opamps" typically used for this application something like the DRV-134? I have heard that these are not transparent (but have not heard for myself). That said, doesn't THAT Corp make some THAT opamps that supposedly are quite transparent in this application? Transformers, no matter how expensive, still have non-linearities AFAIK, so in actuality may not really be better for this application... That said, this entire post is from various reading and not based on personal experience. Quite possibly molto-FAIL Just curious for any more explanation...
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