I'd agree. When I got back into hifi, I started down the cable path (ala audioasylum, risch, etc.). Reading the newsgroups (rec.audio.*), I ran across some posts by Bruno Putzeys, at that time a digital engineer for Philips, who posted that yes, he could hear differences in cables, but as an engineer it bothered him because instinctively he knew that he shouldn't be hearing these. He went on to form a hypothesis that these differences existed mainly because of impedance mismatches. Not sure if he ever did anything about that. But at any rate, my view of cables is that they are expensive tone controls. This along with my experiences led me to conclude that going down the expensive commercial cable path was not for me. Sure, I DIY cables from time to time (latest neotech UPOCC jon risch silver-recipe construction type, similar to what spritzer does). Do I think they sound different? Don't know; I put them in the system; they sound good; I leave them alone;D Quality construction, materials etc., yes. Crazy prices? No.
And sure Marc, you start playing around with passive filters (essentially) on cables, you can make them sound different. And probably upset some electronics in the process. Think MIT cables with their little boxes at the ends.