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Everything posted by Pars

  1. Looks like a thermocouple at 59.5 deg, so you are temp testing something. Something at 30V 150mA; perhaps one of the output devices?
  2. Yeah, I figured there had to be more to it than just being pretentious as I would think carting that thing around and maneuvering it would get old real quick. Ditto on cable and other product bashing, however
  3. This player uses a KSS-281A laser unit, which seems to be about as obtainable as a Philips CDM-9 Pro, etc. As in, not. CD-Player-DAC-Transport List
  4. Those look great. Really nice work Nate!
  5. BRMC Baby81
  6. Not sure. I thought it was Manley, not Manely...
  7. A few pics ahead of that one: Speaking of tubes... Evanna Manely with the Manely Labs integrated and iPod dock. Manely... heh
  8. Yes. You need to ensure that these are bandwidth limited so the bits don't go too fast and pull you out of NOS... Charles Hansen is probably the origin of this. He claims that they change and degrade the sound over time.
  9. x N... congrats!
  10. Why wouldn't that surprise me if true, knowing audiophool companies... I'll bet they went for quite a bit more than a pair of PCM63P-Ks did too (oh yeah, forgot the special matching and nymphs of the rainforest blessings, etc. etc. ).
  11. Yep. That's a given
  12. Pars

    CanJam 2009

    Hope you have a great time Colin!
  13. The CEC drive is belt-drive, correct? I can see belt-drive on a turntable but I thought CD drives change speed depending upon where on the disc it is reading? This is something that I would not think belt-drive would be good for. There are probably a lot of other differences in the SPDIF interfaces, etc. as well.
  14. I'd agree. When I got back into hifi, I started down the cable path (ala audioasylum, risch, etc.). Reading the newsgroups (rec.audio.*), I ran across some posts by Bruno Putzeys, at that time a digital engineer for Philips, who posted that yes, he could hear differences in cables, but as an engineer it bothered him because instinctively he knew that he shouldn't be hearing these. He went on to form a hypothesis that these differences existed mainly because of impedance mismatches. Not sure if he ever did anything about that. But at any rate, my view of cables is that they are expensive tone controls. This along with my experiences led me to conclude that going down the expensive commercial cable path was not for me. Sure, I DIY cables from time to time (latest neotech UPOCC jon risch silver-recipe construction type, similar to what spritzer does). Do I think they sound different? Don't know; I put them in the system; they sound good; I leave them alone;D Quality construction, materials etc., yes. Crazy prices? No. And sure Marc, you start playing around with passive filters (essentially) on cables, you can make them sound different. And probably upset some electronics in the process. Think MIT cables with their little boxes at the ends.
  15. Pars

    CanJam 2009

    Play Pebble...
  16. x3; this was a very nice idea on your part!
  17. Someone has been busy...
  18. I would think it would be rather easy to show in RMAA?
  19. See The β22 Stereo Amplifier, Parts List: "Please note that in the 3-channel "active ground" configuration, some part values in the ground channel differ from that of the left and right channels. See the following table:"
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. oh fuck... you broke it
  22. BTW, where do you (you being any of you woodworking dudes) recommend buying wood finishing products? I don't even seem to find varnish at places such as Home Depot, etc. (unless I am looking at the wrong thing). Polyurethane, sure; varnish, no.
  23. As in Tellig?
  24. That would make more sense if there was a panel behind the front panel that it was mounted to via a mounting nut. That is how my preamp is done for the switches, pot, etc. That jack that MisterX pointed out looks like it could be a contender other than the lack of gold plating.
  25. You would have thought they would have made the PCB larger and mounted it securely and use that to support the jack. Gluing it in as Nate said is pretty lame and bound to fail sooner or later.
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