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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Pars

  1. That was a good read. Thanks for posting it.
  2. Yep. Way too early for snow, hope all of you get power back and dug out OK.
  3. ^ Nice solution... you're a lot better at cutting aluminum than I am
  4. Ran across a nice posting on transformer types and their advantages/disadvantages, and couldn't remember where I had seen it. A bit of searching found it, by Charles Hansen (Ayre): http://www.audioasylum.com/cgi/vt.mpl?f=amp&m=169363
  5. It's all about the motor anyhow. Bike (within reason) won't make that much difference until you're maybe at an elite level.
  6. Looks like he assumed 450v x .1 amp = 45W x 2 = 90W + 30V * 10A = 300W = 390VA
  7. You might see if your bike shop will swap saddles out for you, preferably at no charge, if you can't get comfortable on this one. Normally, more padding is a bad thing (on the saddle), and will make you less comfortable, but that is on a road bike where you might be less upright that on this bike. You may just need to ride more to get used to it, but I would mention it to the bike shop. I've ridden a Brooks Professional for almost 40 years (the same one ). Many people swear by Brooks, some swear at them. They are heavier than most (all?) of the Italian type plastic saddles, but normally very comfortable.
  8. ^ and particular reason you like these? They are less expensive, but also 85C, not 105C.
  9. ^ x2
  10. ^ but satisfying
  11. I normally use FMs in most cases, but I see that they have come out with the FR series which are supposedly lower ESR, higher ripple current and longer life? Anyone use these, or are FM good enough? Or other? Use for now would be in PSU filtering for an I/V stage.
  12. Too innocuous of a first post to win that bet. That said, if you do want to stick around, I wouldn't keep it up. Things haven't ended well for others who followed a similar tact...
  13. ^ Well said Al. HPA: tmfi I've never understood why you want to make yourself into a Skylab...
  14. Wow! Congrats!
  15. Happy Birthday Marc! Hope it was a great one!
  16. Really. Go to head-fi, more specifically http://www.head-fi.org/f/4/headphones-full-size, and ask there. Some inane little twat should be able to give you some useful advice there. Really. You'll thank me for that later. Oh yeah... you should have gotten a PM when you joined here. I'd read it if I were you.
  17. Yeah, new gear of sorts always helps. I see a pair of Sidis in my future
  18. ^ So you get service up there, eh? Came home after work and rode 17 miles. Almost at 1000 miles for the year, which I'm sure is nothing for Chris (dreadhead) or Augsberger, but not bad for me, being of the old, fat and slow persuasion Less than last year, but I've only averaged riding 2 times a week this year, but doing longer rides per. Missed my goal of 100 miles a week (by quite a bit); there's always next year.
  19. I think you would heal up faster than what I had done Shelly, but then again, I'm not a doctor (even if I play one on TV... oh wait...). Met John (jvlgato) for lunch today to return his LCD-2s (yes, the infamous Chicago travel pair) to him. We were joined by one of John's college buddies and had an enjoyable lunch and chat. And I broke with tradition and had a delicious German beer (name escapes me). I am sure I have met John at least briefly at a meet (CJ maybe?), but wanted to thank him again for his most generous loan of these cans. I enjoyed them a lot, and will miss them.
  20. Shelly, I was out for 6 weeks both times, though I did work from home after the first week or two. I was pretty much off of the vicodin after the first couple of weeks both times IIRC as well. These were both total hip replacements, so probably similar in terms of muscle rebuild, etc., though I would hope that yours would be less involved (since you would not be getting chopped and channeled, so to speak ). The more work you do beforehand will help out both during the surgery, and after, as it is much easier for them to separate muscle when the fat content is low, and the surgery will be less invasive because of that. One of the surgical assistants commented to me on how easy the 2nd one was, though I should have been in similar shape for the first.
  21. Kevin, Nice post... thanks for taking the time to explain stat requirements to the unwashed. Curious as to whether you have listened to the LCD-2s on your original Dyanhi, which IIRC was single ended (not balanced)? Listening to a borrowed pair on both my Dynalo and Dynahi didn't reveal much difference, or scaling, based on amp power. Maybe balanced changes this?
  22. Best wishes Al! And Shelly! I would go for the surgery as well. Since it is only one side, I would think you would be down to a single crutch in a short time? Can't remember if that was easier for me or not. Didn't matter cuz the ortho kept me out of work the whole time anyhow If it is your left hip/leg, you should be cleared to drive faster.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Pars

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    TV series pimper/reviewer on comcast I think thought that the season premier showed some real signs of character development... dunno, only watched part of it.
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