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  1. I just sold my HD800 and already miss it.
  2. New Hifiman HE1000 New Audeze EL-8 New Sennheiser .... Urbanite
  3. Yes I think so too. I found that even a headphone amp if it was designed for full-size it won't sound good on IEM even with a super low gain or whatever it has.
  4. Seem like most of people in head-fi love this amp and think it's a winner of all headphone amp.
  5. 100% scam
  6. I also don't like HE560, I think it is brighter than HE6 or even HD800 to my ear.
  7. You may want to check on Auralic Taurus MK2. I got one and it works very well with my HE-6. Btw I knew this amp from http://www.innerfidelity.com/
  8. Agreed about Audeze. If I bought LCD-3 now, I believe they will release another revision of LCD-3 next or even this year.
  9. Anyone try HD-800 with DAC/Amp HDVD-800 or HDVA-600 from Sennheiser ?
  10. DSHA-2 !!!
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