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Everything posted by shaizada

  1. I've read the manual a couple of times. I have a basic understanding of what needs to be done. However, the actual act of doing it kinda scares me I get a little worried because I don't want to do ANYTHING stupid near that cartridge. I promise you, I can't afford to replace that cartridge for quite some time now as I am financially spent after all of this stuff! If I see someone working on it once, that is all I would need to keep myself going with some basic setup skills. The arm seems incredibly easy to do adjustments on. Yet, I'm very concerned about doing it right the first time. I have a hard time "experimenting" with a $5k cartridge pre-mounted on the damn thing.
  2. Hey guys, The rig has landed. Now, I am completely overwhelmed by this thing. I've put up the basic pieces, and the motor is spinning the platter fine. Now comes the arm. The cartridge is pre-mounted on the arm. The issue is that the arm seems to be tilted inwards a bit. I'm trying to read the manual, but I'm just not going to get anywhere by myself. I'm extremely wanting to learn this stuff, but I need some sort of guide / teacher. Is there anyone in the Southern California region who would like to help me at my place? Dinner's on me! Great Indian food or maybe something else. Basically I want to make sure all the settings are correct before the first time the needle gets dropped. You have no idea how much torture it is to see such a piece sitting right here and my inability to play a record. Helpppppp please! I'm home all this week so anytime would be great....I'll work with your schedue
  3. So how was it?
  4. Neils amp is out right now? No Way?!
  5. That really sux~ Mikhail's charming work can be depended on to annoy sometime or the other. Al, get in touch with Andy. He has two techs that are local to the LA area. He trusts them completely and they are supposedly very competent. Also, Drew at Moon Audio has a tech that can work on any Single Power amp. I suggest you give him a call as well. Don't worry....you'll be back up in no time, but I feel your pain.
  6. Damn it...so much vinyl action on the East Coast. Wish I could be there.
  7. JimP, I love the sound signature myself. This really is quite the amplifier. I just need to get some funds to help pay for the Vinyl rig. I didn't think I would be selling this amp as I have the perfect sounding EL84 in it - my beloved Mullards I've contacted Almarro to see what's invlolved in switching the unit to 220v. I'll get back to you if you're still interested.
  8. My understanding is that the XONO is a world class phono stage. Have you seen the price of this one?! I was seriously considering it, but I'm not sure it has the balanced outputs: AudiogoN ForSale: Pass labs XONO The specs on it seem to be amazing. If it has balanced outs, "Dew Eet" That's one thing I've been learning from Dusty. Damn phrase keeps on repeating in my head.
  9. I don't know. I'm just trying to get as close to a set-it and forget-it kind of situation. There is just so much out there and I just don't want to deal with it so much. I figured I'd try and get as solid as a setup that I can afford and be done with it. Anyhow, more searching online and I came across Steve Hoffmans setup that he has been using to do "work". I believe he has the same phonostage and the same rack that I'm using: Continuum Audio Labs CRITERION turntable installed. Bliss!! A few pictures.. - SH Forums Just look at that turntable. Looks like a dream and better sound like one for that price.
  10. No problem Also, here are some of the specs for the various pieces: Clearaudio Accurate
  11. Ok guys. I've purchased the last phono stage I will every buy in my life because spending this kind of money just makes me scared! Anyhow, it's the end of the line for me as far as budget is concerned. I've purchased an Einstein "The Turntables Choice" Phono Stage:
  12. Thanks for that suggestion. I had called up Craig and talked to him about it as well. You totally reminded me again as I had forgotten about that conversation. That is definitely a good option at $900. Once my table comes in, I would really have to hear that phono in my system. I don' think it would be a problem as he is about 45 minutes away from my place. Excellent idea. Thanks HeadphoneAddict. I think I will also give Woo Audio a call and see if Jack has any ideas as well. I know he can come up with custom orders and has a pretty good turn around. I like his "sound" as well.
  13. Me again... So, I'm now looking for a decent phono stage. I've decided that I am going to place my turntable at the back of my room (17ft from front to back). Basically, I want to keep the analog rig far away from the subs etc. at the front of the room. The cartridge is a Clearaudio Accurate and here are the specs on that:
  14. Thanks so much Vicki...I'm definitely very excited Heard the Tim Parvicini Disc Master turntable (Helius Omega tonearm) through an EAR 912 and Marten Design Bird speakers today....god vinyl really is just something else. When I got back home, I just needed some analog goodness. Got in touch with the seller and did the deed.
  15. OK....the VPI seller sealed the deal with me. He is throwing in a BRAND NEW Clearaudio Accurate cartridge in for free ($5000 retail). He won me over with that. I've paid for it and thats that. I am now awaiting a VPI TNT V Hot Rod with the stand as shown in the previous pictures. I am giddy with excitement and can't wait to take this major step into the Vinyl world. Now, looking for a better phonostage and a RCM. Probably an EAR 834 to start with and a VPI 16.5 RCM. Anyone have any thoughts about the ASR Mini Basis? That could be a possibility as well. Chapter closed for now
  16. Congrats! I just paid put out a payment for a Vinyl rig that I don't plan on selling for a very long time. I can definitely share your excitement! I have the old Phonomena I. Thinking of getting the EAR 834. Looking forward to your findings on the phono stages.
  17. I can't seem to find a phone number on the site....am I blind? Do you guys have a number where I can reach Thom? Thanks.
  18. Are you talking about the Super Platter? I'm quite sure I'll be upgrading two things down the road; one is the super platter and the second thing is the rim drive kit. Oh, looks like the Clearaudio seller found someone local I don't blame him if he doesn't want to go through the shipping troubles. Now that leaves a lucrative option with the VPI TNT V Hot Rod, which I can slowly upgrade I guess, or maybe something else (I don't know what that something else is). If you folks have some other ideas for me, please do mention them. This itch for a vinyl setup is really digging deep with me. Should I just get the Galibier Serac and wait it out?
  19. Update: I've been thinking about this all day yesterday and the large part of the night. The more I think about it, the more practical the VPI setup seems to me. It is a solidly built table, comes with practically everything that I would possibly need (cartridge, alignment tools, massive purpose built table/stand) and the company is based right here in the good ol' US of A. If something goes wrong, there is a massive support structure in the sheer user base and VPI owning community. The table was a top flight table in 2004 and has been running happily since. The Clearaudio, though as beautiful as a statement piece should be is an all acrylic assault. The linear tracking arm is no easy feat to deal with and I would have to have a dealer come out especially to set it up. What happens if I god forbid, want to change a cartridge and some setting gets thrown off. This one looks good, has an amazing german precision engineering behind it and oozes beauty and quality. But, the long term ownership virtues are questionable. Will it play day after day, record after record in a consistent and dependable manner? Would I have to send something to Germany if there is some mechanical problem? I'm not so sure with that Linear Tracking arm as beautiful as it may seem. What do you guys think?
  20. Most of the feedback I get about the VPI tables is that they are very dark sounding in general. Plus having no suspension, they are somewhat difficult in regards to vibrational feedback. However, I think that stand should address the problem of suspension. I've heard the Teres but it sounded overly colored to my ears (t was mindblowing on classical music)...boy was that a huge turntable but just a beauty to look at: Voltron, the I've also read so much about the TW Acustic tables, but haven't gotten a chance to hear it. But, at $18,000, I won't even think about it! The Raven one is more affordable, but there is just too little feedback from real owners about it. I know RobN has one. JP11801, the Clearaudio platter is actually a huge acrylic platter. That is one of the main tables I am contemplating on picking up.
  21. I'm in Anaheim Hills, Orange County. The next few days are definitely very involving and interesting for me as I would love to make an educated decision.
  22. Hey Donald, My understanding of the current wire used in the Master TQ-1 is a very fine and easy to bend wire. They definitely improved this aspect from the complaints of the stiffer wire used in the older Sowther arms. From all that I am reading, seems like it's a pain to setup, but once setup, the musical gratification is on an unprecedented scale.
  23. Donald, How are your skills with setting up an arm like the Master TQ-1? Just curious if I can learn some of them from you if I ever do end up owning such an arm.
  24. Mulveling, that is so true. There is a level of solidity that oozes from the VPI. A set it and forget it kind of a feeling. Feels like a solid Chevy Yukon. The Clearaudio feels like a Mercedez Benz. I've been assured it is a very solid unit as well (as it should be with a retail of $10,000 for the table and another $7,000 for the arm). Aesthetically, it would easily fit into my system as well, and with a Clearaudio dealer 10 minutes away from my house, I can risk some quirkiness as he would be a phone call away. Here is a review of the table thats gnawing away at me: DAGOGO Review: Clearaudio Anniversary AMG Wood CMB Turntable By pickup you mean the Clearaudio stylus correct? The dealer is trying to sell me a $1700 pickup but there is no way I'm spending that right now if I get this table. The ability to have multiple tone arms is a huge plus also. In my mind, it's the exotic side (Clearaudio) versus the more practical robust side (TNT HR-V). Someone just make a decision for me...please
  25. The link on the first post is gone and I can't edit it to fix it. Anyhow, here is the tone arm we're talking about:
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