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  1. Well.. that was a discouraging comment. I guess some people don't forgive that easily eh? I've seen ignorant people on forums that never learn no matter what you tell them. At least I'm not one of them. I apologize for my impatience and would like to start over again. Thank you for your encouragement Ristar. I'm sure I'll get along just fine here I hope!
  2. I don't mean to offend anyone but I believe DIY should be encouraged, even if one doesn't have an engineering background. I'm not asking for entitelment. I do learn along the way. I feel embarrased when I have to ask newbie-esque questions. Why? It shows others that I'm inexperienced and so it'll ilicit this response "if you have to ask these things, then you shouldn't be doing this"; a big discouragement. The only thing I'm uncomfortable with are SMD so I don't go there much. I've read through the first 20 pages and it's mostly preliminary stuff and still in the prototype stage. That's when I got a little impatient seeing I have another 120 pages to read and so I apologize to everyone. I will continue to read through it and gather every information and notes I can. So let bygones be bygones. I may contribute something in the future like a comprehensive guide. So... can I be pardoned?
  3. Did I just say 450VA? Whoops, I meant 450V output. Yes. Reading about troubles people have encountered such as blown fuses is something I take note of. Comments like "awesome build!","great job!","thank you!" is something I don't need to read about. Anything that's about 230V is completely irrelevant to me as I'm from the US, not EU. If people made mistakes because information was left out (not mistakes like reversing polarity), then it can be very daunting. Ti Kan of AMB goes to great lengths to ensure a build comes out flawless and mentions every issue (i.e. the notes he makes when choosing parts or values) that builders need to know. It's very DIY friendly. The mistakes people often make on AMB are usually wrong part or reversed polarity and rarely due to missing information. There's a saying for this. "You don't know what you don't know." If Ti posted all his work in a thread like this, information gets lost and jumbled, which increases the risks of a failed project. Not everyone will have the patience to read through 146 pages to find relevant information. I am very grateful for Lil Knight's blog. Although, it doesn't mention anything about fuses so that's one example of missing information and a DIYer would have learned that the hard way if he/she didn't read through the 146 pages (actually I've already known about it from AMB, but what if I didn't?). Besides missing information, I have to worry about misinformation as well as my own misunderstandings (I'm not an electrical engineer). Speaking of fuses, I try searching "fuse" in this thread and all I get are "the fuse blew up" comments with no concrete answers. I read 2A slow-blow. Though, it might be wrong.
  4. I came from AMB where instructions and parts list are easily found. I particularly don't like reading through posts to look for BOM and instructions. There's a lot of sifting through for relevant information; I have to spend a lot of time filtering out irrelevant posts and piecing fragmented information together. 146 pages is a lot to read through. Plus there are revisions and what not so I may actually end up reading outdated information. First I read 500VA, then 450VA, now 150VA. The same goes for BOMs. I know for sure wiring has been discussed "somewhere" in this thread. Is there anything I need to be aware of if I locate the PSU externally? Internally? My best bet is to use the search function, though it doesn't always help. In the end I'm asking too many FAQs that might have already been answered "somewhere" in this thread. I like it if someone posted the BOM and instructions on their website similar to AMB so users don't have to sift through all these posts.
  5. I've looked at both SumR and Avel. Seems to be ~5.4" for 500VA. Scratch that. They can be custom-made. ~5.4" is a typical 2:1 ratio (diameter/height) for 500VA, but it doesn't have to be. Anyone have wiring diagrams?
  6. Thank you! Looks like it won't fit an 8" What's the dimensions of a 450V toroidal transformer?
  7. What's the power supply board size dimensions? What's the length between the edge of the board to the heatsink mounts (measured from the edge of the board to the contact point between the heatsink and IC)? I have a heatsink that is 7.625" width by 2.25" length. Before ordering the chassis, I need measurements.
  8. Can anyone PM me the BOM? What is the cost to build this?
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