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Everything posted by gloco

  1. Thanks for the tip mjb. Unfortunately, I never saw any yellow ! marks next to the usb ports. I haven't gone back to check up and see what the deal is. I'll give it a whirl tomorrow probably.
  2. So I re-imaged my PC a week ago with a custom XP image with SP3 and everything works beautifully, but my usb ports are acting funny. So far, only one of the usb ports in the back seem to see my iriver H140 and H320 as well as my wife's ipod nano without any errors and run full speed 2.0. If I plug them into any other port (4 total in the back, 2 in the front) XP will come up with a message that the device is unknown (ie. I need to install a device driver) or that it could run faster if I upgraded my ports to USB 2.0 high speed (in the latter case I can access my mp3 players, but I ain't waiting 60+ mins to transfer what full speed does in 9 minutes). I installed whatever software I could from my asus (mobo) CD and the bios is the most recent one (and has been for a long while now). My PC specs are: P4 2.4GHz 1.5GB of DDR400 ram Asus P4P800 E-Deluxe mobo Custom XP SP3 with raid drivers and other nifty things (vista themes) Note: I also tried the usb driver that MS has on their site and it came up with an error that the usb driver was already included in SP1.
  3. gloco


    Read this and tell me if we should even waste our time discussing it: This is a cut from his entire post that mentioned JFK directly 2 pages back: "He reminds be of another bright shining beacon elected for his charisma who got us into vietnam, the bay of pigs, the cuban missile crisis, and who was then assassinated." Do we really need to discuss this nonsense? This post comes off as a trolling effort on his part.
  4. gloco


    I was referring to grawk's post above.... Hellbent on denouncing? Ok, when I see someone post irrational drivel (again, read grawk's post above re: JFK and tell me if you think he's not off the deep end) I plan on taking them on. Whats the matter, you audiophiles have thin skin?
  5. gloco


    Good point! This is one of my biggest beefs with politicians who keep bringing this stuff up. How about fixing the things that really affect us? Gay marriage and abortion has no bearing on my life whatsoever. The economy, healthcare, education, the war in Iraq are far more important and pressing issues.
  6. gloco


    Yeah, I'm dead serious. Did you read about people chanting "He's a nigger" at a Palin rally? Yeah, I thought so.... Daily Kos: Updated:Obama called a n***** at Palin Rally in Iowa? You Decided.(w/poll) Bow out? Ha! Is that you're way of saying you have nothing substantial to add?
  7. gloco


    Unfortunately, that's how they are. Irrational isn't even the word, its like that's how their parents raised them which is scarier when they have kids.
  8. gloco


    Liking Jazz music doesn't make you a friend of Blacks. If you think it does... Its beyond me how American citizens cannot see that McCain winning the election would have given us four more years of failed republican leadership. It's about time we got the right guy in office to steer the ship back on course. I believe in a president that represents all of us instead of the religious reich/conservative base (ie. the racists, homophobes and fear mongers) who have run America into the ground.
  9. gloco


    What history book have you been reading? Seriously, there are some really dumb responses in here. Why is it that being a republican and a conservative inclusive with being irrational and ignorant of the facts?
  10. gloco


    Indeed. Most Americans will embrace him. The haters are the closet racists and general cynics who wish to shit on every one.
  11. Nice, really good price for 20mb package. I get 8/2 or sometimes 10/2 with optimum online.
  12. I owned two of these thanks to the $45 SS sell-off on ebay a few years ago. A while ago I put them up for sale on head-fi and some guy outta nowhere offered me $250 each without argument, naturally I jumped at the offer and I couldn't believe it when I got the money. Some dumb people out there. Oh yeah, no, the D-25S is not worth it imho. It's an average player with a wonderful metallic sound that will fatigue your ears out pretty quickly. It's beyond me why anyone would pay more than the SS price for this unit. Head-fi FOTM strikes again!
  13. I'm assuming you meant banlist.nl, right?
  14. I rarely host since I don't have a ck or ping...have any clue where I can get those programs? I had 2-3 solid games this weekend. I should start a clan with the good players to have some good, consistent matches.
  15. lol, ok, you got me there, I should've added in a smiley...I imagine your a very good player as you are in dota. Yeah, as for dota, it doesn't bother me when newbs start and ask for help, thats cool. What irritates me (and I should have expanded on this) are players who intentionally feed then leave. This happens way too often, they go 0-10 then get ck or just pp. Total ruins the game. I think I need to join a clan, I don't care if I win or lose, I just want a good game of strategy to put my mind to work instead of the bs that often occurs in a pub game.
  16. Bless you. I agree that micro/macro managing is a large part of the game, thats why I mentioned my build speed in contrast to my friend. Sheer numbers is all it takes to win and don't kid yourself, top 50 whatever doesn't mean squat, imo. Corsairs and templars? LOL....yeah ok buddy, how bout a few observers and 50+ goons or hydras? GG. Have you ever swarmed with them? I've done it plenty of times to success. Siege tanks can take care of them, but then zerglings can overrun siege tanks and so on. I beat plenty of players who were rated/ranked and all that jazz, didn't mean anything. I simply outmaneuvered them and beat them with sheer numbers (how do you think I beat people in 1v5 scenarios repeatedly? I had more of everything...more barracks, more supply depots, more defense). Onto Dota: The only issue I really have with dota is the sheer number of idiots who don't know how to play and comprehend the damn mini map (ie. setting up a gank or pushing a lane). It sure can be a test in futility as of lately.
  17. Keep dreaming youngin'! Not to turn this into a pissing match, but I played sc on bnet for a solid five years before slowing drifting into wc3 and I had that game down pat, my friend would often marvel at how fast I completed my base in comparison to him (I would be maxed out while he literally just started getting troops). Anyway, SC is pretty simple, doesn't require much strategy, its all about sheer numbers and picking the right troops, such as goons for toss or hydralisks for zerg. Terran was a bit tougher, but those mechanized thingy's (kinda look like ED209's) worked well. As you can see, I always preferred units that attacked both air and ground units. Flying units are slow and easy to kill, imho. Anyway, back to dota...see you there tonight, maybe
  18. I'm still playing, under "gdloco" since I forgot my password for gloco I've gotten a hell of a lot better, on occasion getting triple kills with some heroes. Lina as a starter hero is a bad choice, I definitely agree with that. If anyone is a good starter hero, I would choose phantom lancer or undying. PL for his invis as a escape mechanism and dirge, well, because he's freggin' easy to use. I've been into techies lately since he's so damn interesting (and entertaining) as long as he's the right choice against your opponents (preferably low hp and no -em). -SD games are what i'm into typically and -ap when I want to pick techies for some ka boom boom. As for SC, I'd wipe the floor with all of you, this is coming from someone who has repeatedly been back stabbed on 3v3's and still come back 1v5 and beat all five repeatedly. You can't micro manage the way I do, even though I haven't played SC in ages, I'd still beat your asses in As for dota, you can catch me on the east server weeknights. Feel free to add me and message me if you want to get a game going, I can host.
  19. I've ordered a box of chips from Utz before, good stuff.
  20. Argh! Ya Limey Bastard!
  21. Monkey audio also converts ape files, I use it all the time and its free.
  22. Whew....Now I think I got it. I shut down, went in, cleaned out the PC with a vacuum and re-seated the sata plugs, now I have full access to the raid HDD (596GB). Thanks again for all the help!
  23. Let me look into that...It turns out that one of the HDD's became "unplugged or unavailable" thats why the drive just vanished. I love my PC...it creates problems all on its own. I set up one of the HDD's and it worked (298GB), I can see it now and access it. I'll look for new promise drivers and open up my PC case and see whats up in there...maybe one of the cables is a little loose. edit: the drivers are the most recent.... iirc. So, can I partition this 640GB? Anything else I can do short of setting up in mirror, it would suck to lose hundreds of gigs of data if one of them crapped out.
  24. Scratch that...it was formatting then the HDD vanished....wtf? Yeah, its two 320GB HDD's, but raid array (based on my mobo, the first two sata slots are regular sata which are taken and the second pair are sata raid...which these two are plugged into) displays both HDD's as one combined drive....640GB's or so. Alright, I'm officially lost... edit: the HDD has completely vanished from device manager and disk management.
  25. Got it! I clicked "scan for hardware changes" and it found a second component for SCSI and Raid controllers...upon installing that I went back to Disk Management and bam, got a message to set up this new HDD...its formatting it right now. Thanks for the help guys!
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