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Everything posted by Looser101

  1. Unacceptable! Where is that Guzzyguy, guinea pig. Surely he doesn't need one, but he should take one for the team, this time round.
  2. Bought one too 'cause I like to blow shit up. Better "it" than my Fluke.
  3. Philodox (don't call me Phil - Jay), Pixel Pusher (Kev), me, Hywire (Mark), Aerius (Eaphan).
  4. If you are ordering poutine in Ontario then you are probably from Quebec. Real men order chili fries.
  5. Only in French Canada. We "normal" Canadians don't have that issue.
  6. Thanks for the impressions.
  7. Close enough.
  8. It was too wide to fit in the cabinet, with the feet on. Just look at my Avatar.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Myself, Philodox, Hywire, Pixel Pusher, Aerius. Sorry, my rig was not in attendance. Only my headphones. I brought Pixel Pusher (Kev) and his rig. Between his Esoteric and his McAlister, I think I have a hernia. No desert, but key lime pie girl can sing.
  11. Shunt Pot Volume Control - World-Designs-Forum No idea on the pot.
  12. [Chumming the waters]... or expensive "profit"[/Chumming the waters]
  13. Hey. Just throwing it out there. $429 for just the built board. That's some expensive components, IMO.
  14. Or maybe the Buffalo32S is just overpriced.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Or caps for that matter. Bought quite a few lately, myself.
  23. Writing impressions?
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