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  1. No servo on the BHSE. 1 hour to be stable < 10V, 2 hours to be fully stable. Ali
  2. Dispensable, methinks. Ali
  3. Or isn't the KGSS an unlicensed 717 ? Ali
  4. KG Grounded Grid clone, right ? Why is the PSU so massive ? Ali
  5. Yeah. Because winter is coming. Ali
  6. L700 driver for half the price, and only a couple of bucks over a silver unit (60 €) for a black 353X. At least they're not in stupidly inflating prices like the T8000 release, or other brands recent habits... Ali
  7. This. When Jude made one of his vids about HE-1, you could clearly see Sennheiser looked at Stax's design. And that's considering Sennheiser has some knowledge with stats Mr. Speaker doesn't have (yet). Generally speaking, this industry is strange with this aspect. Looking at stat's, maybe they fear the unlimited wrath of our icelandic grumpy baker BTW I'm curious. They may claim they don't look at competitors, but round re-inforced stators and metallic finish are screaming 009 btw. Ali
  8. Bump in the low mids, like old Lambdas (I think about my Lambda Signature), check. Lacking some excitment compared to Staxens, kinda german coldness in the mids, check. Sometimes biting in the highs in spite of flat high mids (Sennheiser tone for me), check. All around I pretty liked them, but there's indeed something a tiny bit too cold / distant compared to what may be a coloration from Staxens. Don't completely agree with your assessment on soundstage though, but looks like you're a man of deep layered soundstages more than volumic ones. Eager to see you daring tear them apart and hardcore modify them Ali
  9. Cavalli Audio is now closed Ali
  10. My experience with electromod is they always get the parts eventually. I assume you've asked them for brown headpad availability...? Ali
  11. You mean the adhesive thing which sticks the drivers to the cups (I've that on my SR-5) ? Any picture welcome, before I open them up BTW, they don't sound off to me, just something different. Ali
  12. Got my hands on some late SR-1. Interesting mid-centric / hollow sound, but all around impressed by how it's close to the later iterations of the concept (SR-3, SR-5...). Ali
  13. Changed my provider yesterday, in order to spare 20 € per month. Download is a bit lower and not as rock stable as before (sometimes goes down to 800-820), but upload significantly better : Ali
  14. Stax doesn't evolve that much neither BTW Ali
  15. Looks like Jim / mafia's work on re-updating SRX circuit did give some ideas to Schiit and Trilogy. But it also looks like both companies are not really into estat thing. Ali
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