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Everything posted by DefQon

  1. Your report of the issue of shelved or lacking of mids and bit of treble touch is the problem I found on all Hifiman headphones except for the 560 which I have not heard and have no interest of hearing. Even running a loaned pair of HE-6 back then off some Denon POA-1500 and 3000 150-200+watt per channel power amps (and these amps are very well made with plenty of grunt) the HE-6 was still lacking compared to my old SR-Omega's and did not come close to the SR-009's I had on hand at the time, unlike the many folks on headfi claiming HE 6 + speaker amp = 009 killer. I admit there was some similarities but the level of difference wasn't even small.
  2. How much was the quad tkd`s?
  3. So no where near as good as the 009?
  4. I'm surprised somebody took the time and went through threads here and revived a 4 year old thread.
  5. Better then your 009?
  6. Yeah I'm short a few boards from his last gb. I know a typhoon hit his town something must've got to him. If the AUD was stronger I would place an order for the BHSE but it's almost $10k from our distributor so no thank you.
  7. Sounds good. Didn`t you put deposit down for a bhse last year? And didn`t you place a deposit for a kgsshv dx from Tran 2 years ago? You know all this he1000 talk recently about it being the best thing since sliced bread is really getting my pants antsy.
  8. Thought you lost interest in your Stax in favour of your HE-6 preproman?
  9. LOL what did you get banned for? Btw you can consolidate your post into one without double or triple posting. Eaiser to read. If you`ve read your welcome pm and comply with it then the others will not have a problem with you here and going a bit off topic we are different to the idiots on headfi though.
  10. Not sure about the sigma pros should work but it does fit in the old Lambdas but you need to remove the screwed in spacer thing in the housing.
  11. How much is the he1000 again? I`d love it if this thing sounds and perform better then Joe Skubinskis overpriced fugly piece of shit when the HE1k is available to the rest of the masses.
  12. Indeed. Need a few of the GR grade ones. Don't wish to pay $40-50 for a pair as I'll be damn broke for the amount I need. Also don't wish to go down the route of buying 100+ J74's and trying to match them to the tightest tolerance. Wish there was a modern day equivalent.
  13. J109's at least for me a bigger problem to source.
  14. Well thats usually the description for nearly all used electronics on yahoojp. I.e. junk.
  15. Yeah seems like there are some serious Stax collectors out there in the East even. Last time I saw a Stax SRA-7S that was literally in pieces it still went for a fetching 30000 yen.
  16. Didn't think they would go for this much: http://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/m138412715
  17. Probably because the LS came out like almost decades before the Omega series and Stax was still progressing through with the different materials available at the time?
  18. But its bid only. Price will go up and up. Anyway placed a bid if I'm lucky. The AUD is so low I've stopped buying things over $100 from the US due to the currency depreciation. It's coming up as $340 at the moment including the $89AUD shipping. This auction will end at about $400US. About $600AUD after shipping. Anyway prefer to restore my own 12S then buy another one and waste more money fixing that one.
  19. Spritzer any idea on the current rating for the secondary windings? Shouldn't be too much since the amp runs with 1A.
  20. You know they did a test with the arctic silver paste and turns out it is not electrically conductive. Assuming its the same one we are talking about used in computers. Surprised myself when I found out it wasn't.
  21. I thought Audio Valve stole most of the ideas off the original Stax SRX circuit and tried" to make one himself?
  22. Well hence the added rolls eye indication of sarcasm.
  23. Happy Birthday!
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