Hey, then maybe I could do whatever you tell me, and I could find someone to do whatever I tell him, and so on, and we could start selling household cleaning products and giving everyone monthly quotas to reach.
You in?
Housemate -- I had been a lurker for a few months but decided to join once the 'Fi (which I had also virtually stopped posting on, besides the Fantasy Football thread) had been down for several days. I don't really fit in too well with the core group of members here (I am not technologically savvy -- I'm a Psychology/Political Science major), so I've been keeping a relatively low profile while still posting once per day or so to satisfy my urge.
Oops! Daily quota met!
Last night (and into this morning) my housemate finally convinced me to watch Heroes. So my girlfriend and I sat down and watched the first episode. And the second. And the third. After twelve episodes, we had been watching it for roughly nine straight hours and it was 7:30AM.
She just left to see her family, so I'm going to have to resist the urge to watch the rest by playing Assassin's Creed and such until she comes back this Friday.
The freedom is nice -- half of my posts that I've made here likely would have been removed at the Fi. I came this close to being banned about six months ago by the monkey mod for saying something that was nowhere near post-deletion worthy, let alone ban-threat worthy.
I usually only lurked here before the HF crash, but I just wanted to mention that, today, Barry Bonds was indicted for perjury. And I could not possibly be happier that AdamCalifornia won't be posting about it anytime soon.
That is all. Carry on.