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Everything posted by insanity

  1. I'd say its a bit more. Caps significantly more expensive.
  2. I think PCBnet is the right choice. The prices for the v5 and the fat psus are great. And most likely the board quality will be fine. Could you provide some insight in the board specs? Thank you so much for organizing this GB!!!!
  3. Yes they are equal. I'll use the 10K as an example: RN60: http://www.mouser.ch/ProductDetail/Vishay/RN60D1002FB14/?qs=%2fha2pyFadugG2vypQa1gbcGQODxK9HY%2fn%2fTdwjh1GIvZBlWzO%252bDcnA%3d%3d CMF60: http://www.mouser.ch/ProductDetail/Vishay/CMF6010K000FKEB/?qs=%2fha2pyFadujD%252buaAVkcI%2f9IYQECByzEeW2RQAQwOBEFOkDSJ5X%252b%2fTQ%3d%3d For a single resistor the CMF is 3 times the price of the RN60.
  4. I have a question about ordering the needed resistors from mouser. I want to use all vishay dale parts if possible. I had a BOM where I used mostly CMF60 resistors. Then I noticed that some of these i.e. 1k 10k had much higher prices than other values. My search continued and then I noticed that the RN60 resistors have a much better price than the CMF60. How is this possible? I thought this was more or less the same part, just with lower wattage and voltage ratings because of milspec. Anyone??
  5. If you scroll down in the datasheet of the kemet you also find the following: Shelf Life 2,000 hours at +85°C or 30,000 hours at +40°C 0 VDC
  6. Looks like I misread the datasheet of the kemet. Their lifetime seems to be similar.
  7. I actually don't see any point in manufacturing v2 or v3 boards. I think we should just all order v5 boards to get the lowest possible price. A major difference between the KEMETs and the Mundorfs seems to be the lifetime (18000h vs 2000h or 8000h)
  8. What is the advantage of the mundorfs against the kemets?
  9. I also think version5 boards are the way to go.
  10. Those caps are also known as LEDs
  11. Nice Soren! How do you get in there if you need to replace a transistor on that heatsink?? Looks quite diffucult..
  12. I noticed another discrepancy on the silkscreen of the fat psus. On one current source there is a 4.7k resistor and on the other it is marked 4.5k. Furthermore the lead pitch of the 5pf/1kv disc caps in the fat psus should be increased to 6.4mm (same as in the amp boards).
  13. I just noticed that the 787k resistor on the bias section of the fat board has been relabeled to 806k. On my KGSSHV build, I used a high voltage resistor for that spot. Mouser doesn't sell any 806k resistors with voltage ratings above 500V. Is a 500V resistor ok?
  14. Could someone specify the transformer requirements (current) for the carbon 400V (=standard) and 450V?? version? 2x xxxVAC ...mA 16-0-16VAC ....mA I think I should mention that I am refering to the new GR HV PSU.
  15. I found an older post in the kgsshv thread stating the stm negative 15v regulator needs to be put under load to work properly. Furthermore I think Birgir has been using these isolated version for some time now and has not reported a problem.
  16. Yes I was just going to ask if you put it under load.
  17. Please note that the spreadsheet is not editable.
  18. I am open to either the v2 or v3 version. If I could choose I'd prefer the better servo. My entry in the list is correct.
  19. Good point s_r. I didn't not yet realize that the 680uf are actually 80mm tall. The 470uf are "only" 60mm.
  20. I have done a preliminary BOM with some spare materials, but I estimate the mouser parts alone without spares would be around 300+ dollars. Let alone the PSU Caps are 4*40 dollars.
  21. I would also opt for the fat version and change my GB wish to: 2 sets of amp boards, 2 sets of splitpsu (fat version) @mwl168 It will be a long time until I use my kgst boards. They are just as a backup.
  22. The Led seems to be the same as usual: 859-LTL-307ELC
  23. IMHO the fat version of the PCB looks very interesting and opens new options for the case layout.
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