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Everything posted by insanity

  1. I used the washers that extend into the ceramic plate. I had to drill the holes on all TO220 packages. Part No. 7721-3PPSG. I'll be trying the XICON 1/2W then, maybe elevate it a bit. FYI: I did a search on "kgsshv and 787k" and did not find the asked information. I did not know, that the T2 has the same layout in this section.
  2. So LED in the corner needs to be in but the adjacent 2x 175k left out? correct?
  3. This is the new section on my boards, which I was talking about in my earlier posts.
  4. I just thought I could add some pictures. Just before someone screams: I use metal screws on the IXYS Parts. I checked with Birgir and with these isolating washers and ceramic pads this works for him. The 1.2k resistors of the CCS are rated 1/2W, but are 100ppm. Didn't have anything else. On the small heatsinks of the PSU, I had to improvise because holes were made for some american size screw I did not have. Isolation is the same as on the amp boards. The rectifiers are soldered a bit oblique, because I thought it couldn't hurt to get some more distance between these non isolated tabs... I have not yet received the toroid, so no firing up atm.
  5. I have a newer version than you show. Thats the schematic i have. If you permit another question: Is 1/4W enough for the 787k resistor in the Voltage multiplier string? I ordered 1/4W version of this: http://www.vishay.com/docs/30260/hvr25.pdf As stated in the latest BOM. I also have the 1/2W 787k of this: http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/351/XC-600046-204245.pdf But its only rated 350V working voltage. I am not certain about the voltage/current this resistor sees. When I looked at pictures of finished kgsshv builds, I saw many different resistors in use some look like 1/4W some like 1/2W, but I could not clearly identify all. I am building the 450V version. I could also use two 1/2W resistors in series (i.e. 300k and 487k). I have those. What is the best to do?
  6. I recently tried to reach lil knight via PM to ask for my tracking number. But he didn't answer. I hope he is alright. My boards arrived a few days later.
  7. On the latest board from lil knight 2 of the 4 leds are marked "A" implying they need to be left out for the IXYS parts. But since I am missing the schematic for these boards, I asked this question. When looking at the boards, there are some new traces and additional resistors not seen in the schematic. What board version do you have?
  8. I will surely take cover and be quite far away when first powering that thing up... I totally forgot about that forum name
  9. 1+2: Thank you very much. 3: Am I really that insane?
  10. No offence taken. I expected a similar answer, but I am just asking these questions to be absolutely sure. I have successfully built a working B22 with LCDuino without blowing anything (see http://www.amb.org/forum/post-pics-of-your-builds-t44-600.html#p18554). I know its certainly not HV, but just to make clear that I may not be as unexperienced as these questions may suggest. I don't know if you agree, but IMHO to build these projects are well buildable even if one doesn't completely understand the working nature of the schematics. In case of this build, I think the problem is that I do not have the latest (complete) schematic. The one on lil knights site, has some parts missing from the most recent updates. But with some common sense and intelligence they are well buildable. Just to calm you down a bit: Although I am no electronics engineer, I happen to be MD (hope this implies some intelligence lol). Furthermore I have read most of this thread. The problem here again is the changing nature of this project and it's unofficial BOMs. Just to state this once more: I would like to express my thanks to the creators and supporters of these projects (i.e. KG, spritzer, lil knight and many more).
  11. I have another two questions concerning the leds on the amp boards. 1. In the BOM I used (not the most recent version) the specified led is Vf 1.7V 2mA. After my calculations this is what fits with the 10k resistor at 15V. The ones I ordered are Vf2.1V 20mA. I guess that these won't light up with this configuration, right? I would therefore exchange the leds. Unfortunately with my limited knowledge of electronics, I am unsure, if the leds are mandatory for the circuit to function. Are they? 2. Is it correct, that there are two unpopulated LED locations on the board, if the IXYS Parts are used? (same as with the resistors/different values)
  12. Lol I missed that. I had them populated. I had ordered a total of 8 and therefore expected 2 to be leftover. I had 4 left. Looks like they shipped 10! Sorry for that one...
  13. Hey guys, I have a question. I have just been populating the KGSSHV boards from lil knight's latest board run. I noticed that on the psu board there are no more 20k resistors, although the schematic shows two. Can someone elaborate on this? Furthermore, since this is Rev 0.61 of the amp board, if you use the ixys part, you need 250ohm resistors instead of 180. I ordered the wrong ones... The BOM has been updated for this, but I missed it... Could someone tell me what the specs of these resistors must be? I probably have noname 10% 1/4W. But if I need 50ppm and 1/2W I need the order some. In the schematic of the psu board, the two 3900pf 1000V caps are not shown (unfortunately didn't order them...) I cannot find any suitable in stock 3900pf caps at mouser. Can I use 3300pf instead? I'll continue stuffing the boards, hoping I didn't miss anything else Thank you.
  14. PM on the way
  15. If there is a KGSSHV left, I would be interested. Let me know.
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