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Everything posted by insanity

  1. Yes I used the Kemets 550v 560uf since 680uf were not in stock. I think the original caps were difficult to desolder because i soldered all 4 connections and the leads were touching the walls of the holes.
  2. Just wanted to report that the amp is up and running again. Luckily nothing but the blown cap was damaged. Thank you for your support and help.
  3. I finally got all four caps out... This was such a big pain without a real desoldering station at hand. I had to cut all caps open to get them out without destroying at PCBs. When open all the remaining 3 had built up pressure in them. I guess it would have been a matter of time until the next one would have given up. I would therefore encourage anyone who has these caps in use to either replace them now, or keep a really close eye on them. Now gotta order the replacement ones.
  4. Do you think this type would be fine aswell? https://www.mouser.ch/ProductDetail/KEMET/ALA7DA561EF550?qs=IS%2B4QmGtzzosEBZF0Z4Lbg%3D%3D It is in stock at mouser, whereas the other have a very long lead time. My case is 3U because the old caps were quite high aswell. But if I use some with a bit less capacity, they will be small anyway. If I remember correctly 680uf was overkill anyway.
  5. I just had one of the main capacitors blow in my Carbon which is a few years old and has been lightly used. I think its the input cap of the -400v board. The Caps are from the Groupbuy a few years ago (2015 OMG). F&T Germany 550V 680uf. Toroid is 2x 117v (234V AC In) and for the HV 2x330V out. Resistors on the boards for 400v configuration. Any idea what could have caused this?? Usually caps only blow from overvoltage?? The music was still coming through flawlessly after the bang, but I turned it off right away and checked the internals. I hope the other components are ok. Maybe it would be worse if it was the output cap. I am not 100% sure if the other 3 Caps may be slightly bulged or if they came that way from the factory. I will replace all 4 for sure. Does anyone have a partnumber from mouser ready? if I remember correctly a bit less capacitance would also work, right? What is reasonable? Edit: I just read some of the previous post with a similar problem. Maybe these caps are really trash... Edit 2: Just found the datasheet from the group buy I would probably order 4 of these (only 560uf, but should be enough) and hope everything still works after replacing... https://www.mouser.ch/ProductDetail/KEMET/ALA7DA561EF550?qs=IS%2B4QmGtzzosEBZF0Z4Lbg%3D%3D
  6. Wow what a beauty! Very nicely done, internally as well as the chassis. Congrats!
  7. Thanks guys. @livewire I made the knobs myself. Quite some time ago I sold a few pieces here. They are made from a piece of amboyna burl, mother of pearl inlay, PUR boats lacquer. As usual I would not simply call one better than the other. For the SR007mk3 I clearly prefer the carbon, for the 009 definitely the kgst. The conventional kgsshv is a little behind I believe, but also more suitable to the 007 than the 009. From a perspective of build complexity, build beauty and aesthetics the carbon rules them all. The kgst is a rather simple build but compared to that is superb. The carbon with separate GRLV, offboard sinks is a different beast.
  8. Finally the holy triple with the frontplate of the carbon
  9. Well done. Happy for you that everything worked out in the end.
  10. The cascode current source can be set with an LV source. Connect positive voltage to B+ terminal of the amp board. Connect negative voltage to the end of the 100ohm resistor adjacent to the DN2540 away from the heatsink. Measure voltage between the testpoints. Adjust until measurement is 1V for 20mA. (Calculation is 50ohms / 0.02A = 1V).
  11. Not quite true for me
  12. Thanks that is a very interesting fact to know. Do you have a dust free clean room to do your work or how do you prevent dust from entering the drivers?
  13. Just out of curiosity. I know you build your own headphones, but what do you do with stax headphones with an imbalance?
  14. Wonderful build. What are the red pads under the caps?
  15. I have mine repaired and back up and running. Again I am impressed of its sound compared to the conventional kgsshv.
  16. Looks like the voltage on the psu +400 drops to 60 when I put on the amp board. I will have to test if the same happens with the other amp board. Will do it tomorrow. Too tired to work on HV.
  17. I am in the process of repairing by carbon. I now have the problem, that the offset seems to be stuck at -60V and I cannot adjust it in either direction. I have checked the current sources and they work fine. Where would you start looking? Of course the servo jumper is not connected.
  18. Red: soldering pad Green: Traces Blue: Suggestion for kapton tape, although depicted otherwise, I would not put it over the red pad. Just over the green trace. Yellow arrows: Metal of the terminalblock coming very close to the green trace. FYI: I used the terminal without the additional test point, but the crucial construction point is identical to the blue prints below. I think the problem was that the solder/flux ran along the bent pin of the terminal block coming very close to the green trace. I think one or two layers of kapton should work because it slightly lifts the terminal block form the board and provides addition insulation between the bend pin and the trace. If place correctly, I think its very unlikely that either solder or flux would go under the kapton tape.
  19. Ok I agree that if you don't have flux under the terminal block, it will probably not be an issue. Nevertheless, terminal blocks take a bit more solder to fill the holes compared to other components. To conclude: I think the boards are fine to use, as long as you are very careful about the soldering of the blocks. Furthermore, the ORIENTATION of the terminal block is curcial for the problem to appear. If you mount on the reverse side, there will be no problem. If you mount on the regular side, it may also matter where the openings of the terminal blocks point to (although there are traces running on both sides of the terminal blocks). In my project, the holes were pointing to the c2ms. One could also just put some insulating material over both traces, be it kapton tape or something else that is non conductive.
  20. those are the boards from the last group buy. i dont think these are bad quality.
  21. there was also some flux, yes. Being it my soldering or not, since its not possible to check after soldering the terminal if there are any residues, it is unwise to continue building with this risk. Concerning better teminal blocks. I have done an extensive search for more suitable terminal blocks. As we already know, there are none rated more than 400V with a pitch of 5mm. During the search I found a lot of terminal blocks like this: They are usually only rated 250V oder 300V. Would you risk using those? Sofar the only other options seems to solder the cables directly to the board, but that is very unpractical.
  22. Took a picture for you ;-) This is no coincidence. And I cannot clean it off. On the broken board, I plan to bridge the trace with a wire and put some kapton tape below the terminal blocks.
  23. During the repair process of my carbon I also checked on the other channel how it looks under the terminal block. There was no short, but it looked like it would have failed as well within some time. I must therefore recommend for everyone using the v0.5 boards not to use such terminal blocks as I have, even if they are rated 400v. I they are mounted on the reverse side, it shoud be fine. But on the top side with that trace going right below the angled metal pin of the terminal block failure is programmed. FYI these are Phoenix terminal blocks from mouser and not some cheapo ebay stuff. After all I think I might be able to repair the amp board. The consequence of the -400 shorting to that trace caused a failure in both servos. The 1n914 were all shorted leading to a full short between +15 and -15. The 12V protection zener of the servo was shorted. On one board, the 4n25 measured a bit strange, so I will replace it. I don't know how to check the opamps. Will probably just replace them not to risk anything. Furthermore the GRLV both suffered severe damage. I didn't bother to check which parts were dead, so I just replaced all the active parts and they seem to work again. There were no overheated parts or so, because I switched of immediately after the failure. I guess it was a voltage spike thing. What I know is that on one of the GRLVs the 1n4007 was also shorted, which is rated 1000v 1A, so here it is probably a current issue.
  24. maybe there was a voltage spike on the ground because the trace the B- shorted to is going to gnd over a 25k resistor. As a matter of fact both of them dont work anymore. I have already taken one apart and tested both lt1021. one of the two lt1021 is fried. the other one works. Can anyone give me a tip on an easy way to test the opa134?
  25. I didn't use lead free solder. I used cardas quad eutectic.
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