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Everything posted by MaloS

  1. Some of the impressions I am reading of Edition 9 here are rather extreme... They are not bad cans guys, the sense of them being very uneven is only result of lack of acclimation to s-logic. Its just that they have stupid lack of scaling. Its a godd can out of a portable source, and it is the same great can out of 10000 bucks of electronics...its just that if you compare to hd650 for example, out of portable source hd650 is 'ight. Out of 10000 bucks of electronics HD650 is quite quite nuts.
  2. Ah, well that is why I am here I guess...when is this workday going to be over!!!
  3. So that's where the disappearing folks go eh
  4. mmmm where are the westone 3s with their k340-like tone!
  5. Vroom Vroom!!!
  6. Whoa Hydrocity. You still exist here O.o. I thought you quit head-dom for good.
  7. Alright! We save the Ultrasone bashing to the alternate forum where the mighty Ultrasone-Man will not flame us!
  8. Thanks Boomana, I was informed of this place 20 minutes ago =] purk: Certainly agreed, with enough amplification you can get hd650 sound like anything you want from what I observed. Expensive though :-/ Such expenses warrant getting a TakeT H2, since thats the new hot thing in stupidly-high-end equipment =]
  9. Oh - and the primary goodness of Edition 9, the fact that it worked very well with portables has gone to hell now that UE11 is apparently made of angels' tongues. =]
  10. Hm... I do not get the impression of Edition 9 bass being obscenely strong, more so I had another head-fier try it at my place and he replied that he heard far less bass than he expected after all the impressions. Might be pecularities of individual systems/recordings. Proline 2500 vs Edition 9: I was waiting for the people to cool down a bit on head-fi, more knowledge to be acquired before I take on sovkiller with this hah, then as I was about to post this, head-fi went to the apocalypse... This is the same headphone, no doubts about it. You have to listen a bit more carefully here, but they are incredibly identical. The only difference is that on one the frequencies are shifted towards treble, while the latter is shifted towards bassier, softer sound - basically tuning the tonality by changing the chassis. In all other respects, including extension - the cans are identical. I don't think this is very obvious, but if you listen to how these cans interpret individual notes, or more so percussion - it becomes fairly obvious. - Cheers. I sold my Edition 9 for one idiotic reason (apart from buying speakers) -> the bass on it is too much for me, same reason I could never use an HD650.
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