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Everything posted by MaloS

  1. In that spirit - there is Dynaudio's MC15, media-oriented desktop monitor. ~1200 bucks for active pair. Another option: JBL LSR4328p, which has room correction that helps out with the midbass hump that results from poor room acoustics.
  2. I'm dating one and checking out her sister ;-)
  3. Stax had no trouble having SR-003/001 come with silicon fittings, hah.
  4. Couldn't this be done with some kind of a very sensitive valve? Granted that things might get too fragile at that rate.
  5. Stello DACs use discrete output stage, class A. I am sure there are ways to improve upon that, including going tube, but that would be outside of what the tiny E-MU 0404 usb could support... does the idea of plastic enclosure and tubes make anyone here twitch also?
  6. Okay, why the grudge guy? Next time I'll post fully what I want to say, but do you have to really follow me with a post of almost identical quality?
  7. Well then we are both making pointless statements, fun.
  8. Well then I am glad to have my ears xD
  9. And I used Larocco PRII and the Micro DAC...why did I not have the issue I tried a number of amplifiers at meets. Something like a Millet Hybrid or M^3 - no harshness. Plug it into a Gilmore design - harshness is only the beginning of what sounded wrong.
  10. I did not say anything about them sounding the same. If you want to talk implied - well the implication was that Peychev mods would probably take the E-MU in the same direction as Stello went already. Oh, and all the DACs using that particular chip I heard sound alot alike (main difference seems to be accounted entirely by output stages, better DACs just sound cleaner), wonder if that is a coincidence...
  11. You are talking about poorly driven W5000. It can be just fine. Oh, and metallic highs is something I hear often about poorly driven K1ks xD
  12. Meh, you know what chips entire line of Stello products uses? ^.^
  13. Livewires - they are pointless to steal, they fit nicely, and they sound fine unamped.
  14. ATH-W series and ATH-A series do not have much to do with each other in terms of tonality, careful...
  15. You can think of it comfortably as they took some optimal impedance, feed 1 watt into it, measured the frequency response... Majority of the headphone amplifiers have the voltage swing similar to that of a SET speaker amp. The main concern is that they are not ready for the current draw needed by speakers, and the main distortion issues occur when using larger and larger amounts of power (which are still small with headphones). Hence, 1W is a reasonable max (you would fry you ears driving 1 watt into HD600 for example, and the ATH-W5000 has 2W power rating, sufficient to make them louder than laptop speakers) to show THD and frequency response.
  16. ATH-W5000 anyone ?! My god. Its written all over OP. I would not say its perfectly like K1000, but it is bass-light, airy, closed, very clean.
  17. Damnit, now I cannot keep a straight face, seeing how I thought the same exact thing...
  18. M-Audio Studio Pro 3 goes for $100 on zzounds.com ...
  19. Not everyone needs purity to enjoy music...
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/Equation-Audio-RP-21-Headphones-Ear-Tools-Brand-New_W0QQitemZ290183263070QQihZ019QQcategoryZ14985QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. I rely on 'show new replies to your posts'... sure, qutie a bit of new posts, but at least I don't have to go through every single thread.
  22. That only occurs when you try and listen to it. Its quite reserved when you don't take it out of the box, nor put it on top of expensive furniture.
  23. Oh hm...ya I'll get around to that sometime too...
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