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Everything posted by Tony

  1. A couple of months ago I finally got a DIY iMod. It's a 4th gen unit, modded with blackgates from the headphone out, and with a cap-less modded signal path from the lineout, that goes into a Sonicap dock (same as Vcap dock, but smaller & cheaper). I have been seeing lots of headfiers raving about the iMod for more than an year, and until two months ago I was a "portable only" guy, so I decided to invest my money into one and see myself if the enthusiasm was justified. My past experience with mp3 players has been with a Rio Karma (overrated sq), two Kenwood HD daps (very good sound quality but really expensive) and a JVC XA-HD500 (Kenwood-like sound, reasonable price but low capacity - 6gb). I've used the iMod with both blackgates and Sonicap outs. I used two amps in my test, an iQube and a Minibox E+ (my current portable amp). The Sonicap iMod + iQube makes for an hyperdetailed sound, but I think it's mainly due to the iQube's brightness, which brings out lots of high frequency details (something very similar to what ER4S, with their boosted upper midrange and treble, do). I sold the iQube because it was very sibilant and I didn't like the overall feel (I described it as "lightsaber sounding"), and I got the Minibox E+. My DIY iMod + Sonicap dock + Minibox E+ cost me something like 650$ (including a 32gb flash memory card), and would run way more buying the iMod from ALO (Vcap dock instead of Sonicap one). I think the SQ improvement is only incremental over the JVC. Using the Blackgates headphone out, Minibox and Triple.fi, the sound is slightly more detailed than using the same IEMs from the JVC mp3 player, and imaging benefits from the added layer of basement detail. Bass is more powerful, giving an overall sense of "effortlessness", like it has been described by some. Switching from the Sonicap dock to the Blackgates out, bass seems tighter (less midbass power), and that's all. Some people describe the sound as more spacious, but that's so hard to perceive that seems more a self convincing effect to me. The improvement from a good DAP to the iMod is not night and day like many say on headfi. Not nearly so. I must admit that I wasn't expecting a great improvement either, and I bought the iMod because I hoped to be surprised. The overall sound quality is not nearly comparable to what can be achieved with a good can (I tried an HD650 from my computer soundcard and a crappy 20
  2. Hahaha, I noticed it, but it was too late for editing the message. But this way it's more funny. Maybe there really is a band playing Pink Floyd covers which is called that way.
  3. I talked with Earl. He's advicing me to get a Zap filtered Zhaolu and that's what I'm leaning towards. An Opus might be interesting too. I don't know if the Zhaolu has any brightness, though. The main problem is that I listen to lots of '60s and '70s rock music. Many album from this period are harsh (Van Der Graaf Generator, a few albums from Neil Young, Punk Floyd and Beatles, John Cale, Captain Beefheart and the list goes really long). I can't stand when a singer stresses the "s" in many of those recordings. It's just too scratchy. The ESW9 and RE1 (iems) are the only portable headphones that gave me enough forgiveness in this regard. I tried an RnB silver-plated copper cable with my HD650, but there was a spike at 6 kHz which lead me to sell the cable. Upper midrange was very detailed (Charleston and other comparable sounds), but there was too much shrillness. While Jazz and Classical were very enjoyable, old rock wasn't. I'm going with copper if I decide to keep the Senns. So, any advice should be tailored towards these needs.
  4. Hi. I'm looking for a good value amp in the under 800$ price range. I have been adviced to get an HR-2, a Gillmore Lite and M^3. While I am not sure I want to spend 850$ for the HR-2 (plus I've read some constrasting opinions about it), I'm seriously considering the Lite with DPS and M^3. I like the fact that the former is only transistor based, but it has been described as hyperdetailed and somewhat piercing in the highs by more than a few people on Headfi. Considering that I can't stand sibilance/harshness, I am not sure if I should go on with it. I read here that the M^3 is on the "warm" side. I am not sure if I am going to use Sennheiser HDxx or Denon D5000 with it. In the latter case, I'd need the amp to provide lots of current, and I don't want to risk to have a bright sound in the highs. Can you give an advice? Thanks.
  5. Thank you. You pretty much sold me on them (with MaloS and Volron I have been talking to). I'll report when I get them.
  6. Thank you very much. Do the ESW9 have the same amount of midbass as the Triple.fi, or (hopefully) less? Do the ESW9 have good soundstage (width, depth) and imaging?
  7. I see you have Yuin Pk1 and Babystax... can you compare the ESW9 to them?
  8. Hi guys. I'm looking for an upgrade and have grown interested in the ATH ESW9. They are the only portable can I would carry around, due to the good looks, small size and supposedly good sound quality. What I would like to know is if they are as good, if not better, than Triple.fi 10 Pro. Prices are comparable. Has anyone heard both (maybe Vicki, at the meet with MrArroyo and Volron)?
  9. How would you rate the AE-2 compared to the Pico? I know some people say the Pico is an improved version of the AE-2, but I'm not sure if this just an opinion or the truth. Did anyone compare both directly?
  10. Good. This saved me a lot of time (not money, tho ).
  11. Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a new portable amp. I am owner of an iBasso P2, but it's a bit too big and I'd rather having more battery life. The P2 is very spacious and detailed, but has a slight midbass hump: some people seem to love this added "warmth", but I'd rather having a more neutral amp. I am interested in a Pico, but I wonder if there are any other good alternatives for the same price/size. I'm not thrilled by Xin amps, since an used Supermicro (only one I might be interested to) sells for more than a Pico, and for the same price I would get a latter. Are there any other portables (at a reasonable size) that can compete against the Pico? I know Skylab loves the Move and the iQube. the iQube seems great, but is extremely expensive, even for me in Europe. I don't know what to think about the Move, tho: some people end up not liking it, and I haven't made a proper idea about its sound. Any other serious contenders? What's my best choice? Money is not the most important factor, but if I can find something as good as a Pico (or better) for less, it will be a plus. The IEMs I plan on using it are Triple fi and, in future, UE11. Maybe also Westone 3 if they ever come out. Thanks a lot.
  12. Tony

    iMod craze

    HAhaha, that would be nice.
  13. Tony

    iMod craze

    Sadly I only listen to music with a portable rig. I listen to it while traveling, walking, also at home, but never hooked up to the same place. This is why a couple of times I have tried to build a bang-for-the-buck home rig, but ended up selling it and sticking to IEMs. I used to think the iMod (blackgates) was good but not awesome as some people thought, especially coming from good non-ipod solutions (like Kenwood or JVC mp3 players). I listened to the 4th iMod this summer and thought it had slightly better instrument separation than the JVC I currently own, but I didn't think total cost (included the Xin Reference I was listening to) was worth the bulk and money. Lately, though, I started carrying an amp with me (the iBasso P2), and I don't mind keeping carrying it in a waist pouch. I'm pretty much convinced since the Vcap iMod seems to trump the old gen one. I will stick to the iBasso P2 as current amp, while I'll upgrade to a Pico amp when I have money for it. What I can't understand, though, is how a capacitor dock can make a lesser quality dac, like that of the iPod, as pleasing as the Pico DAC which has better quality cheap. Can the signal be conditioned to such an extent by a capacitor? I'm also having been made a ELNA or Blackgate cable so that I can switch to it when I don't want to carry the big dock.
  14. Tony

    iMod craze

    I keep seeing more and more trusted people on headfi saying the Vcap iMod is as enjoyable as Pico dac (albeit they are different in sound signature and qualities). In the past I used to believe iMod was overrated, but now I'm basically convinced I want a Vcap iMod and I'm preparing some big money to get it. This thread (and your replies) will be the last trial before I commit. Hope you can helpz.
  15. Tony

    AKG K500

    I was thinking about getting a good vintage AKG, and it seems the K500 is able to sound very good. It doesn't seem to have the Sextett has on headfi, but it still seems better sounding than K501 or K701, and in need of less amplification. What do you guys think?
  16. Yes, it's Jan.
  17. Also out of a RudiStor RPX-100, it seems.
  18. Yup. I think they would gain a lot from more power. I've also been told (by reputable source) that they have an awesome WOW factor out of a LisaIII with 25% bass boost, probably more than stock Etys. I also think they could benefit more from the Supermini's bass boost switch (since they have more bass than stock Etys)... bass boost on the Xins is too polite for normal Etys, at least for my taste.
  19. In my opinion the recabled ER4S still has a thin skin.
  20. Hi guys. I've owned to Xin amps (Supermini III and Supermacro LE) and I don't think very highly of them. On Headfi, Xin receives a lot of praise, especially for the Supermicro and the Reference. After my experience with the other two models, I'm not very keen on trying either. Has anyone had experience with Xin? What do you think of his work?
  21. This bashing attitude is lovely. It sure helps to put in perspective some well talked products, and it's a lot of fun.
  22. Thanks. So the change might not be night and day. How much power do the L3000 need?
  23. No. The Mini3 and HD600 are mine, MaloS has just been so kind to gather them before sending them to me (Italy). I've reported about the balanced Mini^3 since I read some posts about it in the first pages. Anyway, MaloS has also a pair of balanced K340, so we can try to see what sound comes out them when powered by the Mini^3. I'm sure it isn't enough power, but it should be tried for knowledge's sake.
  24. MaloS has received my balanced Mini^3 and balanced HD600 and the rig sounds great for the price.
  25. Sorry, wrong thread.
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