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Everything posted by samsie

  1. I received my set of boards, caps and tubes today :-). Thanks a lot. Sam
  2. wow, this is absolutely gorgerious. Are you going to put an engine inside at a later stage so the amp can drive itself from the sitting room to your bed side when it is needed? sam P.S. really like to know how to bend the copper tube to make this.
  3. Any advantage to go for higher voltage? I used 400v.
  4. My order arrived. thanks very much.
  5. this is really good looking. I wish I could get someone to do the engravement like yours.
  6. I do not hear any noise even when I turn the volume all the way up. I am impressed with the circuit design and the quality of transformer ( the transformer was custom-made in China for $20 dollar- the guy completed and shipped out the transformer including the resin filled process in 48 hours). He was either super efficient or he had no other order to do.
  7. I used the Carbon boards sets from Spritzer. A bit difference from the one u referred to.
  8. I measured the voltage across the 150ohm resistor and it was about 18mA. Am I doing the right thing?
  9. yes, 1.5 dollar for the hole. I am sure there will be quantity discount if you want to cut more.
  10. PSU boards are from spritzer, It is the one he supplied with his KGST pcb set (good quality boards, survived with de-soldering. good for newbies like me). I think he used them for mini- KGSS I powered it on for 7-8 hours. It becomes steady in two hours then I start to do some fine adjustment to the offset, balance and bias (it was so difficult to adjust the bias- that is the price to pay for small case like this). I followed the printing value on the pcb but I have no idea how much current in there. I am a newbie, I have to figure out how to measure the running current first. I shall listen to this little amp for a few days and start to test it and modify it over the weekend. The case was so nice that I do not want to mess it up (No screw can be seen from outside, the finish is so good for the price). so current reduction is an option. any recommendation on how much reduction shall I start with (without seriously affect the sound quality) ? the case is from taobao, the Chinese version of ebay. they even cut a stepped hole for me for the stax socket http://world.taobao.com/item/39957531066.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700846.0.0.Fa8iz2&_u=421pt7g7143
  11. I am happy to share the sources of the components. I live in Hong Kong so some of them may not be available for you guys. (same here. sometimes I envy you guys that can source reliable parts without worrying too much about the shipping charge). the potentiometer is a TKD 2508S , I used one in my KGST and I find it quite good so I used it again. I think it is a special type with metal plate to separate channels to reduce noise (I am making this up as I do not read Japanese either- perhaps someone can tell me what is the use of the metal plates between each channel. I connect the plate to the ground this time but I leave them out while I built my KGST. I do not notice any difference but it was a different amp) Here is the link http://www.kaijin-musen.jp/109_6501.html
  12. It was not a tailor made case and I am not as talent as Kerry who modified the design with sm parts I trimmed the boards a bit and they were tightly fitted. The bottom plate was used as a heat sink for power supply (Spritzer's PS boards are intended to be fitted this way).
  13. I completed my Carbon using boards from Spritzer. I wanted one small amp next to my bed. It is compact. A lot of heat is coming out from it. I am considering to make a second one with bigger heat sinks. I think I deserve a big cup of tea, don't I?
  14. I am considering putting 2 of the transformers on the top planels. I think there's sufficient space between the el34 and the driver's tube
  15. I would like to add 5 GR LV dual PS boards if possible. If not, the rest are ok. Thanks for all the effort Sam P.S. Use PayPal gift is fine.
  16. I am not sure if this applies to electrolytic cap or not This is for film cap ""VDC change on Mundorf capacitors on February 17, 2011 There has been a labeling change for Mundorf capacitors. This is labeling change only; there are no internal or technical changes. Mundorf has changed the VDC rating for this capacitor from 800 VDC to 600 VDC (for security of operation in high-current, non-audio applications) On newly made caps, Mundorf will change the label on the cap to indicate the new rating. To reiterate, this is a label change only. There have been no changes in the manufacturing process or materials used for Mundorf capacitors.""
  17. Mine is correct. Please add 2 skinny power supply boards for me. If the V3 amp board is going ahead then 2 x V2 and 2 x V3. I am interested in the circlotron boards too if there is a group buy.
  18. One dual supply board and 2 amp boards, please Add 2 single supply board and 2 more amp boards
  19. @mwl168: count me in for one set, if it is going to happen
  20. Is it possible to build one in a single chassis instead of separate power supply and amp? The amp and power supply share the same heat sinks. Of course the height of the case will be increased and heat sinks even bigger. any pros and cons?
  21. Oh! I was waiting for the on-board carbon version too. If it is not going to happen, which of the current version is more stable? I can build one but trouble shooting is a bit out of my league. Sam
  22. $7 dollars was only for the wood. The stainless steel screws cost a lot more. I wish I could do something like yours. I planned to have somebody to make one similar to yours but I was just too lazy to do the drawing. It took me a week to complete the drawing for my last headphone amp. The builder asked for drawing in CAD format? I had to look it up from wikipedia before I knew what he was saying . (of course the builder ended up working from my pencil drawing)
  23. I want something small so I cut it into two half and stack it up. It was made of soft wood. It was only the materials available in the 100 yen shop downstairs (A shop sells anything for 100 yen). The 5 pieces of wood costed me 7 dollars. it was supposed to be a temporary solution but I think it looks quite OK. I am going to add a transparent plastic cover then use it for the time being. BUT is it SAFE???
  24. Eventually, I built this. My first electrostatic amp. I used to have a SRM727. It was a bad match to my DAC. I then lived with a 10 years old SRM-313 for a year. Now I have this. it really make a difference. Thanks KG, Headincloud and Enrique. You guys have been very helpful
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