What's up guys and gals. Long time occasional lurker here and in other forums as well. Blessingx bought my Electrocompaniet ECD-1 and also reminded me that this forum exists. There isn't really an introduction section and I realize the community here is on the smaller side, but you guys seem pretty reasonable, so I may start posting more and join in the fun.
Anyhow, I have been researching the hell out of DACs lately, particularly DSD ones. I bought the TEAC (compact, balanced) for a headphone setup at my desk, but have been enjoying DSD so much, I decided to sell both my DACs and upgrade to a Meitner MA-1 for my main system.
If DSD interests you, there are several compact units with balanced outs and USB input. The Mytek DSD192 has already been mentioned, as has the Resonnessence Invicta (has SD also), also the new X-Sabre DAC from Matrix. Ayre is going to release a new QB9 with DSD capability soon (March I am told) and it will be based off the Sabre chip. As well, you should look into the exaSound e20 mkII just announced this week, which is compact and has headphone outputs as well as balanced and USB in, DSD4x(!) and DXD support for around $2500. Also check out the Auralic Vega, looks really cool.
All of these somewhat fit your criteria, though price ranges are different. I have been particularly interested in the exaSound because it seems solid for the price. Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about SD playback. The unit selection is very limited which has that specific feature.
My conclusion and wisdom from my own research: there will be a lot of really cool digital stuff coming out this year supporting DSD. You may be wise to sit back a little more and watch what happens before making a move...
[Don't ban me for this: if anyone interested in the TEAC, I have it for sale over at HF and probably will put it on audiogon or something soon to get a wider audience if it doesn't sell soon. If you're interested, PM me]