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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. Count me in for 2.
  2. BlackClover
  3. Muse is just very crafted. I don't know how to say it, but I really can't enjoy it. It's not bad, just... something.
  4. I like the Japanese company Nikoli's puzzles; they're actually not computer generated so it's a lot of fun actually doing them. My personal favorite type is Nonogram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Which has a DS game, Picross DS. Good fun.
  5. They've taken care of all the DHL shenanigans too, very honorable. (see the HF thread for details... basically DHL customs defiled the original box and sent them back out in bubble mailers that didn't protect the amps, total fail)
  6. All this USB cable BS aside, I've read some Japanese audio enthusiasts say the Carat Peridot is a good value. The other contender in that category is the iBasso D10 IIRC, can't think of any others at the moment.
  7. Fungi

    slow forum

    What does what mean? It's a fantastic representation of the various levels of news different "sources" provide.
  8. As if your wallets needed more abuse, there are two volumes of those headphone artbooks.
  9. I used to have the Opera and the M^3 stomped all over it. If his former flagship exhibits that kind of mediocrity, what's to say his new one won't? See also: http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphone-amplification/1296-corda-opera.html
  10. Pick 3: closed, portable, good, cheap
  11. For a good number of people, the decent room part is unattainable/impractical.
  12. Fungi

    slow forum

  13. It doesn't have to be ALO but you do need a capacitor'd dock thingy.
  14. Definitely inspired by Magma. They invented zeuhl, after all
  15. Fungi


    Just got it, very nice case. I'd like a little more grip on the case bumps for closing, but otherwise excellent case.
  16. I wouldn't count on the Symphony's amp or DAC being anything spectacular based on the Opera's performance and Meier's amps' reputation.
  17. No way, SR-404 Limited? ? FUJIYA AVIC blog:?STAX New "Limited"Model !! - livedoor Blog?? 4/22, 1000 units worldwide 63,000 yen ~ $630 OFC Silver plated hybrid cable Leather (real? ) earpads Also, rumors of a SRM-006tA LIMITED?
  18. Is this AT ESW9 fake or real? - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio Dunno about ESW10 fakes, but it'd be best to hurry (not rush into possible fakes, though) because the stock is running low.
  19. The ESW9 is probably a lot closer to what you're looking for than the A700, which is from the family of ATH headphones that are known to sound bright.
  20. Yeah I didn't like that gigantor premium cable, nice build but just too big overall--not good for those not so sturdy optical jacks.
  21. I'd bet on Tuesday or something since Monoprice is in California
  22. Did you get the premium optical cables with gigantic connectors? It should kind of lock if you push it in all the way, and I like to get their nonpremium optical cables since they'll never not go in.
  23. I stopped myself just before my head exploded as I realized what that line was from.
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