My current stock of headphones, in order of preference, is
Darth Beyers V2/K501, K24P, PX100, KSC75, UR/40
The stock DBs were just the end-all for me for a while, but I'd been lying to myself; they were compared to HD280s and KSC75s. I figured I could use some "opposite" headphones so grabbed some used K501s, and was really impressed at everything they did besides bass. The stock DBs were definitely way too bass heavy and the highs just... not there. I tried the gel pads and they made them more tolerable (bass tamer, more highs/mids), but something's still weird about it.
I'm in the process of trying to get some K701 pads from Frank@AKG, but he gave me the wrong part number and I got some not-K701 pads so still working on it.
But I'm definitely considering selling the Beyers for some Grados or Senns if their sound is anything like the K24P or PX100 upgraded.
I'm thinking something from: HD650, HD580, SR-225, MS-Pro, orDT880.
Am I on the right track, or do I need a good thin skin piercing?