I'd suspect the market in China is far bigger than we know.
They're kind of gaining popularity in Japan too; with bloggers like Sasaki ordering Picos and Headsixes, more people are becoming aware of these things. The whole "worldwide shipping" thing isn't there just to look fancy
Reich would not be happy at me calling it "minimalist" but that's the genre it fits under. Wikipedia or something can probably do a better explanation, but it's definitely one of the greatest compositions ever.
If getting AKG pads, buy from Headroom. I *still* don't have the second K701 pad, but hopefully Frank really put the order in this time and I get it this week.
Stereolab pulls from krautrock influence, so check that direction. Neu, Faust, maybe Tortoise if you want more stuff derived from krautrock.
Isis -> Jesu, Earth, Sleep, boris
Just (pre)ordered the Creative Aurvana Live! since it seems to be out of stock everywhere or something.
It could become the next "best closed can under $150" or something.
The CEC DA53 is $650+ in the US. I'll take $600 new in Japan.
Oh look, Fujiya Avic has it for $500. What a deal. *makes a trip to Fujiya Avic*
Holy shit, is that a used DA53 for $400?
Usually you use 1R/1L/2GND. Some people like to connect the shielding (if it's there) to one end of the ground as well. I didn't pay too much attention in the electricity part of physics so I can't tell you anything about it, but I seem to recall reading that it makes the shielding actually shield, as opposed to just sitting there.
^^^^^^^^^^What he said.
Even though I don't agree with some of the picks, stuff like Android Lust is like, woah yeah Shikhee needs more love yes please.
Speaking of grunting and humming, I was really freaked out the first time I heard something like that on a piano recording. I had to pause it to make sure I wasn't hearing things.
In the words of guzziguy, "they only sound good with Rudistors"
The S-Logic thing is really fun though, but not in that "I'd like to live with these" way.
The ones I do know on there are definitely awesome, but Yes isn't too bad, especially with Bruford. Anyway, I guess I shouldn't have been such an assfacehole regarding Rush.