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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. This is what one person wrote in the 2ch portable amps thread, and basically this person is wondering if anyone else hears a slight delay on the right channel that creates a "surround" effect that doesn't feel quite right. To him, the XM5 sounds more natural in this respect (but just this, he also states that the Pico has more detail). A lot of crap goes down in that thread, but this post seemed genuine enough to bring up over here.
  2. Fungi

    Obama Shirt? o_O

    Mike Jones?
  3. Fungi

    Obama Shirt? o_O

    It has some embroidery something or other. http://shop.guess.com/StyleImages/M74U7277-WHT-ALT1.jpg
  4. ONKYOのサウンドカードは好きなんだけどU55SXは癖あるね。 明度が高く乾いた音で高音の量が過剰。 SE200はレンジ感があって癖もあまり無いように思う。 無難で落ち着いている感じ。 SE90は若干ナローになるが聞きやすい。中音とか響きが 過剰な気がするけどボーカルやピアノはなかなか良い。 Short translation: U55SX has excessive highs and is dry and bright; SE200 is more relaxed and normal. There's a good number of reports on poor build quality on the Onkyo externals. Why not E-MU 0404 USB or something?
  5. I think Iron Dreamer liked it too, it's somewhere in the Mayberry thread.
  6. The Aurvana Live! is a well-balanced headphone, not overemphasizing anything and doing very well for a closed can. I'd say it has a slight V-shaped frequency curve. Vocals sound pretty good and if you can handle MS-2 highs, then these should be no problem at all (peak in the highs). At this price range, I don't think it's very likely that anything won't have that "closed" sound, and the Aurvana Live! is no exception. Can't say I have much experience with closed headphones but I'd say these are staying with me. They don't seem slow or lacking in detail, and soundstage is fairly good for a closed headphone.
  7. One of the reviews I linked says that the sound is similar to the Denons, but the D1000 has a little less bass.
  8. I'd love to hear the Cooter amps everyone's raving about, especially since I have never sit down and taken time with a nice high end rig. Speaking of high end, I'd love to hear your K340 again Ken.
  9. I was wondering when you'd get here. Welcome to the club!
  10. The shiny cups are definitely tacky, I wouldn't want to walk around in these. The good news is, the nasty Triport-esque bass is gone now. I think I get why people love the Denons so much; these are really well rounded, although a bit on the thick side. But I guess everything's going to sound thick compared to the K501 and MS-2.
  11. I guess Creative was holding back on the Aurvana Lives, because a bunch of etailers just got them in stock. All around $120 shipped. Anyway, the packaging is real nice and I'm about 5 minutes in to listening, but I think a good several hours of burning in is necessary before I say anything. Really comfortable and light, pretty good isolation as well.
  12. That doesn't make for a good awakening, though.
  13. I like the marbled blech.
  14. What's that DIY-looking wooden headphone? And I love the space cadet look Ken has going on.
  15. The K240DF is brutally black. Everything about it is black. None of those silly silver or gold rings or orange driver capsules. Even the vent paper is black.
  16. Sorry, wrong thread.
  17. I thought K530 = K300 Xtra? And even if that was true, where would that put the K530 LTD, hmm.....
  18. Oh wow, that's pretty terrible.
  19. Haha, imagine if you had to deal with the real live hydrocity at your birthday party. I bet he's having a blast right now.
  20. A link would be cool.
  21. Download all as (whatever) -> delete Pretty cool stuff. Not like you need it ON HF as long as you have it in some form.
  22. I have to say, even these Paradigm Atoms v.2 powered by a measly Trends T-Amp sounds quite nice.
  23. Quail power cords Grado pads from Alex
  24. I use a combination of AMG, Discogs, Wikipedia, official sites, and other sites on Google because I'm anal like that. The best is when I actually have the CD to go off of, second best is scans provided or images on Discogs.
  25. Rockhopper mini^3, international superstar.
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