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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. Fungi

    AKG K500

    I kind of want to try the K601; nobody ever talks about it. Some even go as far as to say it's an almost complete improvement on the K501.
  2. Fungi

    AKG K500

    You should buy my K400.
  3. Keep in mind that they are the bass light late production model as well. I think I remember my K240DF being more well rounded, but they're in pieces now and I need to put them back together and recable them.
  4. Fungi

    slow forum

    Those made me laugh hard.
  5. How mediocre is it, with the 49,000 yen price tag in mind?
  6. In a week I'll have 3 sources, 2 amps, way too many headphones, and I want to get a laptop as well. -> No more buying stuff until I pick the winners and sell off the rest. I think someone(s) with the E-MU 0404 USB should buy it and tell us how it is.
  7. http://www.samick.jp/shop/24_14.html Lots of I/O, looks interesting, but I don't know enough about anything to decipher the doohickeys in the pictures.
  8. Smeggy popcorn.
  9. That sounds really good.
  10. Fungi

    New Cat

  11. Yeah, send them to guzziguy for burning in and we'll have a multi-man burn-in session at our next mini-meet.
  12. Caffeine. It's gotta be the caffeine.
  13. It's funny because when I saw it in the first page I didn't even realize that was the MS-1, and just now I saw that Shiroshita headphone. ubar1337 modding skillz
  14. Those pads... These? http://www.shiroshita.com/sw/swhp10.htm
  15. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gldlyTjXk9A]YouTube - Spanish inquisition[/ame]
  16. I, for one, did not expect this.
  17. Grab pad. Twist counter clockwise. It will slide a little, and you can take it off. There should be 1-2 foam donuts behind it. Apparently they started with 2, but changed it to 1 somewhere along the line.
  18. VDA-2 with VAC-1... I knew I should have listened to the VDA-2 recommendation, but nooooo, stupid little Fungi had to go get the DA53. It's a pretty nice DAC, if you like your sound airy and highs-oriented but not so much body, but that kind of conflicts with the headphones I have. Maybe it gets better in balanced mode (cheapest balanced DAC?) but I can't say I want to keep this around without balanced gear.
  19. Good gaming fun on a PS3? At this point in time?
  20. Fungi

    New Cat

    Far right one.
  21. Yeah, there's no rush so next meet let's talk.
  22. Don't worry, I'm finishing it off. Naan Stop in IV, home of the overpriced everything. But it's the only food I can call "good" I've had from this area. Know of any delicious SB downtown etc. eateries?
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