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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. I wear paratrooper fatigues, but no zippered pockets.
  2. Wow, I forgot I had that one. *enqueues*
  3. I put my music on shuffle for the first time in forever and it hit me how important recording quality was. It was all mp3, but the good ones were good and the bad ones were bad.
  4. Maybe he wanted boom boom bass.
  5. I can't dig the curly/short hair.
  6. I was kind of hoping the HFI-780 would be my intro to Ultrasone, and I was kind of hoping it'd suck so I wouldn't have to spend any money. Win-win situation.
  7. Now if a certain someone was here he'd tell you to get it modded by ALO But anyway, thanks for the impressions, loved the "They hurt" part.
  8. little wiener dog :rofl:
  9. Thanks guys, I'll go try and find Goo Gone and a lighter tonight.
  10. What can I use to get rid of nasty sticker/tape goo residue without harming a nice surface? The item in question is the VAC-1 (VDA-2, VHP-2, whatever) and I'm talking about the nice smooth finish on the front plate.
  11. If you need fans on your S1, go with the Turbo modules because they're lighter and smaller and look neater. HR-05 is straight up from the chip, SLI is bent if you don't have vertical clearance directly over the chip. On my DS3 the HR-05 is close to the Ultra-90, so I think you may need the SLI one for it to fit. Both the HR-05(SLI) and the Ultra-120 can use their respective bolt-thru kits; I highly recommend it for both because neither stock retention is really stable. I think "Smart Drive" is one of the best regarded HDD enclosures; you only really need it for your Raptor (have you listened to your HDDs?) and you don't want to get a really cheap one because of noise reduction/cooling ability. As for the RAID 0, I don't think you really want all that stuff on 0. Especially not the music; get big drives but ALWAYS BACK UP. I use RAID1 for music because I'm paranoid. Really what I should be doing is performing routine external backups, but I modify/add to my music so often it's just easier to RAID1. The stuff you have on your RAID0 array isn't speed-critical either, so there is absolutely no benefit to using it.
  12. It appears the new FOTM has been selected over there; I know slwiser likes them and a few reviews say they are close to the Edition 9s. I know HC hates Ultrasones, but is the Edition 9 just plain terrible, or is it acceptable at the HFI-780 price tag?
  13. The Zombies vs The Beatles
  14. These things are so damn nice. Oh and some Wonder Solder not pictured.
  15. I only have to turn mine to high gain on quieter stuff with my K240DF but it does the job.
  16. Oh god a Raptor... Yeah, if you want to keep that thing you'd better get one of thoes quiet drive enclosures. It's spinning faster, and more spinning mass means more noise and vibration. And why in the world do you have a 1TB RAID0 array? A fanless HR-05 will cool your NB more than that dinky fan+stock heatsink.
  17. Steve Reich - Drumming Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians
  18. If you could list all the stuff that's in there (fans etc) it'd help. What's with that baby fan on the northbridge? If you have around $30 to spare, get a Thermalright HR-05 and bolt-thru retention kit. Gigabyte's nb heatsinks are known to kind of suck; I know my stock one got really hot to the touch. You can definitely fit an Ultra-90 or Ultima-90 in there, or Ultra-120 if you want more cooling (it should fit). There's probably room for an Accelero S1 if you move the cables (and maybe hard drives, can't see them) a bit. If you lower your fan speeds of course it'll get warmer inside; less fresh air is replacing the heated air. There are some good options for fans that push good air while staying quiet (800RPM Slipstream comes to mind). Hard drives are kind of tough; everyone runs into that wall eventually. WDs are fairly quiet, Samsungs are said to be quiet, but if that's not enough for you then you might have to invest in some (expensive) drive silencer boxes.
  19. Oops, they're ANIMAL fries. I'm sorry, I'm not American enough.
  20. Balanced monster fries?
  21. Mogami 2534, Banana plugs, cheap RCAs, heatshrink I'm going to make a balanced cable for my HD580 to use the RCAs of the VDA-2, but am I correct in assuming that instead of Signal/GND to each driver I replace with Signal/inverse signal (180deg phase) ?
  22. FLAC 8 takes longer and saves very little space so I use 5.
  23. Fungi

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