If you need fans on your S1, go with the Turbo modules because they're lighter and smaller and look neater.
HR-05 is straight up from the chip, SLI is bent if you don't have vertical clearance directly over the chip. On my DS3 the HR-05 is close to the Ultra-90, so I think you may need the SLI one for it to fit.
Both the HR-05(SLI) and the Ultra-120 can use their respective bolt-thru kits; I highly recommend it for both because neither stock retention is really stable.
I think "Smart Drive" is one of the best regarded HDD enclosures; you only really need it for your Raptor (have you listened to your HDDs?) and you don't want to get a really cheap one because of noise reduction/cooling ability.
As for the RAID 0, I don't think you really want all that stuff on 0. Especially not the music; get big drives but ALWAYS BACK UP. I use RAID1 for music because I'm paranoid. Really what I should be doing is performing routine external backups, but I modify/add to my music so often it's just easier to RAID1. The stuff you have on your RAID0 array isn't speed-critical either, so there is absolutely no benefit to using it.