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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. You should discover the magical mystical vintage K700 instead.
  2. Now it's K702 madness.
  3. Maybe it was burned in too much, or in a low section of the burn in process.
  4. I'll post pics when I get them
  5. Aww, you didn't go all out and get the damn sexy Furutech plug.
  6. Everyone's been saying the new Sennheiser flagship is coming for a long time. If you ask me, something so widely appreciated as the HD650 will never become obsolete, unless the new model offers the same or better at a lower price (unlikely IMO).
  7. Fungi

    Markl Mods

    That's why you should have Markl do it right the first time.
  8. That is quite the sexy Sennheiser cable. What wire do you use for your stuff, Nate?
  9. I almost voted 00s.
  10. Just wait until I get the M^3, which I don't have trouble accepting as greater than the Opera if it is. I can say that the built in DAC is rather lackluster, but it's not a great price jump from the analog version, so that can be expected.
  11. Better hurry before the FOTM wears off though, as plenty are showing up for sale already.
  12. Where do I get started with case work? Obviously you get a case, drill necessary holes, and mount everything, but how do you pick cases and what kind of tools are necessary for plastic or metal?
  13. Good stuff.
  14. Very very nice. Using the Singlepower to drive them? Edit: I just got some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ben & Jerry's, paper towels, and corn oil.
  15. Haha, oh Head-Case. I'm glad to be back.
  16. Fairly sure they come with both sets of pads now.
  17. But that would be CHEATING! There is no cheating to attain the limit of audio goodness.
  18. The DT770 is as portable as (or more portable than) the D2000, so that's not an issue. But I think the real winner here is the HD25-1; I need to try me some of those some day.
  19. What is the proper care of electrostats regarding plugging stuff in and turning stuff on? They seem to be very sensitive pieces of equipment from what I've read.
  20. 20, I think that's close enough to 15.
  21. MS-2 has good bass with flats, but nothing you'd call loads. I like my Creative Aurvana Live! which is said to be similar tuning to D1000/D5000, though, so YMMV.
  22. I just got my feet wet with electrostats, but I am finally hearing something that makes music reproduction sound effortless. That's as well as I can explain it, but these things are good. I'm afraid I'm getting pulled into the dark side. I would love to hear those sets myself.
  23. All right, you are now first in line to buy these ECR-500s when I decide to sell them (probably not in a long time if ever, these are sexy as hell).
  24. I just got the Sony ECR-500, do I get to join the non-dynamic club?
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