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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. That was brilliant.
  2. Clean, concise, to the point, easy to read, a pinnacle of the English language. Needless to say, I am quite pleased.
  3. Nice exchange rate we've got going too, huh?
  4. Make a post in the DIY forum asking how to take apart an R10.
  5. Seriously, the cats pretty much made the thread.
  6. It's being an asshat for the sake of being an asshat.
  7. Morph201 is back, as expected. tyrion, care to jump in?
  8. Ryobi drill and stepped bits. Although I am no circular hole cutter tech.
  9. boomana, you've got competitors popping up left and right!
  10. Fungi

    slow forum

    Hilary Duff was really cute as Wendy in Casper and Wendy, but it seems like she's lost all of that now.
  11. Voter #2 reporting in.
  12. Fungi

    slow forum

    I believe that's from one of the Final Destination movies. As for Megan Fox, it's just one of those "who's the sexiest person on your mind right now" polls and of course everyone's seen Transformers. I only recently learned her name too, despite having seen the movie when it came out.
  13. Fixed.
  14. Assuming the CKK3 costs you $200, $300 is a strange sector for USB DACs. If everything I've been reading on the Pico DAC here is true (which I have a hard time believing otherwise) then it's worth the whole $500 just for the DAC alone. I think the only viable options for $300 USB DACs are those Chinese/Taiwanese ones like Zero, Paradisea, Constantine, or whatever.
  15. This is where you become a MOT and make your Smegma available to the general public.
  16. The SDS-XLR is GIGANTIC.
  17. I bet a certain circular hole cutting tech could bring it back to life if anything happens...
  18. Seeing the R10 used and abused like that makes me hurt inside. And then I see your revival of it and
  19. Fungi

    Markl Mods

  20. Fungi

    Markl Mods

    Reks just brought the roffle waffles into this thread.
  21. http://www.geocities.jp/mister_terch/zakki05aging124.html Like the guy who did these tests, I have no clue what to make of this. Kind of neat looking at all the waves though. The KH-K1000 is a Kenwood headphone, by the way.
  22. He's saying they're a little too... sexy...
  23. Fungi

    Markl Mods

    You're pretty much spot on with your descriptions of me except I do realize that money makes the world go round. But after having invested so much in figuring out the mods, it seems kind of contradictory that you'd be in it for the money at this point.
  24. Fungi

    Markl Mods

    I'm not talking about the mods, I'm talking about your decision to charge money for your modding service because someone else might have filled that position. And I'm not mad. In fact, I'm rather happy right now because I've got something in the mail for me.
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