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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. I used the Opera for a while too, and I prefer the M^3 to it. In comparison, the Opera "flattened out" the music although it does go wider. I prefer the livelinesss of the M^3 and also think it has more bass goodness.
  2. Nice caps. Oh wait, that doesn't work. Sony NWZ-A818 minus $40 WALKMAN40 sale! Goodbye iPod Nano 1G!
  3. The Xytronic station is available from Circuit Specialists online and is rather cheap. I like it a lot.
  4. I like the feel of it.
  5. If there's one thing Sony got right (besides the driver) it's the cable. I hope you're not replacing that.
  6. Oh god what have you done to my baby
  7. Smeggy, I have the ECR-500 manual I picked up somewhere if you want it. It's just photos of the manual but it's pretty much a service manual. With energizer internals shown too. http://www.mediafire.com/?ebatcybdxn9
  8. "I swear officer, it's not an electrostatic headphone bought in 2008!"
  9. I win.
  10. I was actually looking at the Balanced Desktop the other day and thinking to myself, "gee, I wish there were some loop or preamp outs on the non-DAC version."
  11. You should build one for yourself. Don't forget the Blackgates!
  12. Sorry, I should have made it more clear. My friend called Nuforce and they said that they sent out more on the 28th for orders before that, but orders after that have to wait a month.
  13. I don't know if Tyll wanted to start a topic or not, but here's the new Headroom Audiophile Desktop line. http://www.headphone.com/products/audiophile-desktop/ Looks really nice overall. I especially love the speaker stands and I understand why Tyll has to price them like that (explained on that other place), but damn, if only they were cheaper/I were richer/etc.
  14. My friend here just got one at the $199 amazon price, called them up about ship date, and they said that orders after the 28th will ship around the 18th of next month. I'm actually looking forward to hearing it; might have to replace the Chaintech back home. He's got an 0404 currently but wants to head into speaker territory, so this may be his ticket.
  15. What's that STAX stand I've never seen before?
  16. Fungi

    OICDN Fan

    Look at my tatoo with oversized feet!
  17. Fungi

    OICDN Fan

  18. Morph201 and his new buddy Riboge have formed an alliance of ignorance.
  19. If "he" tried to cover it up, why is that repsonse email signed by her? Whoever made this account isn't making things better.
  20. http://www.jenalabs.com/headphones/sony-r-10-sw-response.html We have an "explanation" by Jena Labs... which is just the email they sent Morph201, the one he posted, the one everyone tore apart. Anyone who can't figure out what really went on deserves to have Jena Labs destroy enhance their headphones.
  21. I was just reading some older material... and I found this little post. http://www.head-case.org/headphone_amplification/corda_opera-t1410.0.html;msg35337#msg35337
  22. I would like to order the Fully Assembled Menace in black with CrystalCon upgrade. Please use solid core silver wire for all internal wiring, thanks!
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