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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. More goodies from Twisted Pear!
  2. By cheap I was thinking more along the lines of $200, $400 max (prefer not to go THAT high). Those chip amps by Patek, on the other hand...
  3. Do you have a model number?
  4. I'm using a Trends TA-10.1 right now and to me it's kind of bright and metallic without the Opera preamp in front of it. Not a great match for either my speakers or my Sigmas. I'm looking for an amp with balanced sound (can be on the warm side) that's preferably somewhat small and not too expensive, but if it's small and awesome I can swing a little more for it. But not CIAudio D-100 more (if only).
  5. Very nice. I think I'm going to get me some of those this summer as my travel companions/closed buddies (not flight phones, that's what my IEM is for).
  6. Trying to get the Quail cord into the Quail splitter was like wrestling a gorilla.
  7. Good thing I'm not in that area; I might have jumped on those ESP950s.
  8. I never understood why people post "sale pending" or "sold" instead of editing. Why bump up a topic for a sold item? btw are you going to use those as a decoration?
  9. Jamaican Grill, back on Guam. Delicious jerk chiken and ribs with some red rice or Jamaican rice on the side. If there's one thing I have to do when I go back there, it's eating at Jamaican Grill. Ya mon!
  10. Damn, the ESW9 and HD25-1 are that good? (brief comparo please?) Are there any good ways to DIY a speaker amp or energizer or even Stax amp? I'm thinking the Stax amp thing is going to be kind of dangerous for a noob like me.
  11. She was either implying your manhood was small, or that you were her katana.
  12. Actually katana is Japanese for katana Long slim blades. Ken (lol) or tsurugi is Japanese for swords in general.
  13. Cheapest balanced source+amp combo ever. Can you play through two USB devices simultaneously?
  14. I thought 250GB would be enough too, but lossless is a hog and I may need to upgrade to 500GB (or better yet, a NAS) in the future.
  15. Oh god... Why are you doing this to me
  16. Just joined Team Stax, but to save any credibility I may have left, I made the jump slightly before this crazy hype, and kthe reason for doing so is rooted much earlier. Anyway, SR-Lambda and SRD-7 off a Trends TA-10.1. It's great. This is the kind of bass I like! If I were to upgrade in the future, would it be the headphone, energizer (upgrade to electrostatic amp), or speaker amp? And is there a higher up that has the same general characteristics as the Lambda, but maybe a little more prominent vocals and a little less treble edge?
  17. I always take the jacket off because it's thick and heavy, and I wanted to try the braid since it won't unwind or anything (although I doubt it unwinds anyway).
  18. Although if you had to live with only one genre, minimalism wouldn't be a bad choice.
  19. Mogami 2534 love. It's probably a lot of placebo, but it sounds like some treble harshness is gone and it has an overall cleaner sound. Whatever, I'm somewhat satisfied. Forgot that braiding makes the cable length shorter, though.
  20. The Opera's DAC is lackluster, shouldn't really be on that list.
  21. Mind status: boggled
  22. FYI the gel pads brought out a certain frequency in the lower highs that made it a terrible choice for the Darths. Not harsh, but just off. Not sure how it'll affect the ECR, though.
  23. Can I have them back now? Just kidding, but I would love to hear those again some day. Did your super duper wood cup and foam replacement and recable mod make them better?
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