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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. Fungi

    slow forum

    What's the point of playing ANY game if you see anything not real as pointless? GTA is pointless because you're not stealing real cars or shooting real people. Mario is pointless because you're fake running around in fake worlds.
  2. Fungi

    slow forum

    :kitty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5GpRJItqjw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5GpRJItqjw
  3. Looks like they accidentally did the breakin' process on your unit instead of the usual break-in.
  4. Hung out with Ken and his gang. Bunch of party animals, they were. HP-2 on first listen I wasn't so hot about, but I warmed up to them and tossed on some Sadistic Mika Band, and they were wonderful. Thanks again for having me and hosting my gear Ken!
  5. The Beach Boys The Zombies
  6. Yeah, screw headphone amps. Why do that when we can all just use speaker amps?
  7. Thanks, just got back from work; time for a shower and then sleep.
  8. Halls. I'm sick and have a sore throat.
  9. That and Peach Cobbler are the only flavors of B&J that have me coming back for more.
  10. GH3+wired guitar and GH2.
  11. The marsupials will attack!
  12. Either works. With the female version you can use your own RCA. With the male version you plug it straight to the amp.
  13. I try to fit everything I can into the tags, and toss an info.txt file with anything else in the album folder.
  14. Fungi

    slow forum

    I swear there's a moth in that picture right where the little dude's head is. I was so sure I'd found it until I saw the answer.
  15. I'll be not here. Hope you guys have fun.
  16. It probably depends a lot on synergy, but I found the DA53 a little too airy for my tastes; wasn't as full bodied as I would have liked.
  17. Fungi

    slow forum

    It was only a burrito
  18. I remember reading something about soldering irons not getting hot enough to vaporize lead. I mean obviously, or lots of solderers would be lead poisoned, but does soldering with leaded solder cause even some lead gases to get in the air?
  19. Hm, the stands themselves are $24 and shipping is $15. I combined a few things from the seller (ANTonline) so it wasn't that bad but for just the stands it might not be so great. Amazon.com: SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B): Electronics I do remember the wall cubes Nate mentions Tyll recommending, and they're nice too. Just little cubes of wood meant to be wall mounted for shelving.
  20. The awesome Headroom stands for $500. Or I bet swt61 could do something nice and woody for you. On the more budget end of things, if you can cut wood, the 16" stands from Amazon (marketplace) can be trimmed down to whatever height you like. Or even more budget-conscious is the "get wood, put together" method. Don't ask me how, though, because I'm no woodworker.
  21. Mmm, Oreos.
  22. Smegma, ECR, Sigma, Lambda?
  23. I've yet to try any Twisted Pear stuff, but I know I want to. Including the source selector.
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