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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. What happened? And why did you settle with the Triport when there are a lot of better options for the same money? Are you even settled?
  2. PSP, Patapon, Disgaea. Pata pata pata pon! Doesn't sound bad at all straight to the ESW9; one of the sounds confused me because it sounded like it was coming from the PSP.
  3. Unless they're spitting out coaxial SPDIF!
  4. At my disposal right now: ESW9 > E4g > PK3
  5. Funny story, Yahoo! Auction (Japanese eBay) banned auctioning of iPhones.
  6. Foster/Fostex. Something that looked like the D5000 was shown at some convention in Japan at the Fostex booth, boasting its biocellulosity.
  7. The DX1000 sounds wrong.
  8. SA6. I'm pretty sure it'll be more... something... than my E4.
  9. I suck.
  10. Obviously not as good as it would with blackgates.
  11. Some case fans, Sony line-in recording cables for modding into line out cables, manga, and a bunch of plays of beatmania IIDX. Japan \o/ No, I didn't buy a used SR-007 (old) for $1050, although I'd like to.
  12. Fucking genius.
  13. I haven't seen that kid in like, forever. I forgot what he's originally from, too. Getting a new TV for more inputs seems like an ass backwards way to get around multiple sources. Switchbox? Receiver?
  14. Fungi

    slow forum

  15. Mine didn't either, but he's not an asshole. I wouldn't either, but it may bother some.
  16. BUT if it's quiet at night and your roommate is sleeping, he won't like it if he can't sleep with a little leaking sound.
  17. Looks like it came from Newbury Comics, a common marketplace seller. Probably have some sort of contract to send things out under the amazon name.
  18. AnandTech - The LCD Thread
  19. Speaking of HD650, is the whole new/old version nonsense really nonsense? That's what I'm inclined to believe, but it could happen.
  20. I opened this thread expecting pictures of a meet, and instead I see some guys rocking out.
  21. I wish I had that graph of blacks and transients and such of various high end cables ready.
  22. Very nice. Black or white?
  23. When you said DS, I thought you were going to compare it to the crimson/black DS Lite. Now the question is, does the Pico beat that AT DAC/amp?
  24. You don't like Fire Waltz?
  25. Fungi

    New AKG K702

    They sure look a lot less ugly though.
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