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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. www.Head-Case.org - Search Forums
  2. Fungi

    Perfect songs.

    I love that song (and pretty much the whole album) but I do remember Bruford himself saying that the drums were "dated" and that he liked the newer Yes drummer's simpler version more in some drum book. Not that I agree, but maybe it's not so perfect
  3. And this is why I just tell people to get the typical <$50 goodies and let them be. Of course some are ready to spend more, in which case they'll speak up (or go learn on their own).
  4. Just a heads up to the mods, audioengine is singular
  5. Now that's what I call power.
  6. ?? !!?S t a x ?? ? ?? - Yahoo!??? SRA-7S, I've never seen that before, sorry if it's old news
  7. Argyle?
  8. Fungi

    Perfect songs.

    King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man Needs no explanation.
  9. rhythmdevils tends to dislike any hint of brightness, so I'd guess the GMP is a little bright, and based on Acix's taste somewhat similar to a closed K701.
  10. But seriously, use the multi-quote. You see those 3 buttons at the bottom of each post, the Quote, the paper and " +, and the paper and pen? You click the middle one with the quotation marks to add it to your "reply-to list" and then when you hit the Post Reply button at the bottom of each page on the left side, they'll all show up.
  11. I was pretty impressed with them at CanJam out of my Sony S639F, enough that I just bought a pair. The world needs more "good" closed headphones.
  12. ? FUJIYA AVIC blog:?????? - livedoor Blog?? STAX SRM-600 LIMITED amp with changed tubes, JJ Electronics ECC99 and comes in BLACK.
  13. Oh it's worth it.
  14. I believe the next batch of 100 will cover up to about order 5950.
  15. People will pay what they see fit, for something like this. There is no "market value" any more since you can't get it for any set price anywhere.
  16. Wow that's really... ugly.
  17. The HP100 is definitely a cute slick unit and I wouldn't mind having one if I didn't already have my mind set on the GS-1.
  18. Talking about for sale, how do you feel about Stello HP100 vs GS-1?
  19. The TransDAC is pretty great, a not-so-huge step up from the Pico DAC but a step up. At least to my tin ears And of course with your experience/technical skill you could probably mod it and make it super like jp# will tell you
  20. Hell yeah, they will not disappoint. Be sure to use the little foam covers for super Sennheiser POWAR
  21. 6 months new from Justin?
  22. Also note the GS-X's wait time and the fact that it is a balanced GS-1 with better PSU (since you already have a GS-1). Of course I have heard that the GS-X sounds better than a GS-1 even single ended, but it shouldn't be drastically different from the GS-1. I'd probably just try out a BUDA, and return it if I didn't like it over the GS-1 and get a GS-X.
  23. Fungi

    Grado GR8 IEM

    Grado build quality + IEM = Of course it is obviously not Grado-made, so at least it might be okay in that regard.
  24. I say Gilmore Lite because of aesthetics, size, and solid state. I have not heard either.
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