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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. Sorry about your thin skin.
  2. Heh, the K181DJ is here to stay but the PortaPro must go. That, and all these other headphones lying around. *prays to the USPS gods that are bringing O-FRB1s to hurry up*
  3. Bought them a while back, but arrived now: K181DJ and PortaPro
  4. A META? I don't even know if it's $200 or socketed, but it seems like it would be.
  5. Got the Lambdas running out of an 80s Denon PMA-720 receiver... game over for dynamics, I might even get rid of my M^3 since I'm going to sell all my main contenders for dynamics
  6. Fungi


    larryminator is a well known flipper. I think he's been covered in another thread here.
  7. What's the current price?
  8. Fungi


    Just go to Grado labs, tie up everyone including Mr. Grado himself, and torture them until they fess up to the changes in the Grado headphones.
  9. Fungi

    slow forum

    What a weak selection of figures. Only noob otaku like Haruhi and Shana.
  10. Fungi


    The L3000?
  11. True, but he did say he did prefer the 7506 so it can't have been that bad. There's just so many possible places to fix and I shouldn't have assumed it was just one of them. Sound cards are DACs. A DAC just refers to anything that converts digital to audio, and the TBAAM is one.
  12. I used the ESW9 out of my T61 for a while and didn't find it bad at all. I'm sure it really depends on the laptop, but based on what's been said in this topic I think the D2000 isn't going to become amazing when amped (and a DAC is more necessary in this case).
  13. Audity from VJA? And no, you're best off putting that extra $100 into better headphones. Chances are anything that price is going to make the sound worse unless you can find something like the EMU 0404 USB for that cheap, and even then you'd be best off getting some better headphones (that aren't picky like the HD650). The ESW9 sounds great out of a lot of stuff including lower end sources. Pretty popular but some don't like it (see the DC meet impressions thread).
  14. Haven't seen you in a while. Klipsch Images sucked?
  15. Well if you've got a Macbook might as well Duet.
  16. Fungi


    dew eet! Oh I'm late aren't I?
  17. Start a new one. Be clear about your goals and means.
  18. ESW9 > SA6 > E4g > PX100 I'm still really impressed by what the ESW9 does. I now understand why boomana posted praise so often (which was the reason I got them in the first place).
  19. Fungi

    slow forum

    It's a man, baby!
  20. Bass drum pedal, 2 pairs of sticks, and a stick bag. Time to resume the playing side of music.
  21. Reminds me of that one Windows pipes screensaver.
  22. How often is not as often?
  23. Fungi

    slow forum

  24. High On Fire - Brothers in the Wind is excellent. Hope you get to see it live (and enjoy it).
  25. Never mind, I see your WTB over there for the ESP950.
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