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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. Either Mogami quad or mini quad, I like the mini but if you like fatter wire take the quad, redco, markertek have it, don't ask me where's cheapest.
  2. Honestly, I'm just frantically trying to escape the reality that speakers are king. I'm already enrolled for the speaker-case army, just need to set up shack somewhere first.
  3. Just wondering if anyone can offer any comparison of the SR-Lambda and the RS-1. I stuck with dynamics for a few days and going back to the Lambdas was like but I have yet to try some really good dynamics.
  4. I come from the future.
  5. Personally I would go for the new AT-A2000X instead. Haven't heard too many great reviews on the Denon.
  6. And it gives you a more and more expensive "flagship" that people can talk about and buy lower priced headphones to try and get closer.
  7. Before throwing money at things hoping it gets better (or believing so through placebo), try and find out what everything does and why you might want to change something.
  8. The Premium line of Antecs are supposed to be good, but it's still an 80mm fan. And those PSUs cost a fortune. Seasonic/Corsair already use high quality caps and stuff, and I don't believe it's worth it to pay over double for the Premiums.
  9. (18dB) (as reported by someone who measured it from 10 feet away with the fan in the middle of an enclosure)
  10. Fujiya Avic in Japan is selling them (preorder) for 45,800 yen and 59,800 yen.
  11. Seasonic M12II-430 or Corsair HX520W (or even 620W) depending on how much total power you need. Probably the Corsair. Don't go Antec, they make good PSUs under a budget but I would try to stay away from designs with rear exhaust fans. Don't think the 9800 uses enough power to warrant a 620W PSU.
  12. Solution: Make 2 long ducts, have the fans run far away.
  13. [url=http://gimpo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/av/1222347574/]
  14. Why are you asking to me as if I have them? I'm just translating some Japanese dudes' impressions. Comfort shouldn't be much better than ESW9.
  15. He said that it still has a bit of a midbass hump and the low bass is a little lean, but it's still more refined than the emphasized bass (good for portable use) of the ESW9. Goes more for "realism" than large soundstage. Similar tonal balance to W1000. Fast and good attack. Not so great with busy/complex passages at louder volumes. More clarity than ESW9.
  16. If my first post didn't make it clear enough, I'm just throwing around ideas that I don't know much about except that those are considered "high end" PCI sound interfaces. I use the Audiophile 2496 coax out -> DAC, so I really can't tell you which cards have great analog outputs.
  17. There's a lot of information on the ESP950 here on HC all over; do a search. A few people own(ed) it.
  18. No idea, but if you're dropping that kind of money on something you should at least research what its features are
  19. Some impressions from 2ch... AD1000PRM: AD1000 comfort, similar style of sound but better, mid-oriented typical AT sound ESW10: Less bass than ESW9, sexy midrange, somewhat small soundstage but good placement, similar in style to RS-1, what a Grado closed headphone might sound like
  20. Um... That's a pretty hardcore sound interface. The only way up is like, Lynx Two or Lynx 22 or whatever it is. Otherwise I'd just get a DAC and use that RME's digital out.
  21. Skylab isn't an ALO fanboy. He may be a fanboy of other things, but what he said in that thread is true.
  22. PRM is premium, and who was going to demo those? I did see one impression today on 2ch that said the ESW10 had less bass than the ESW9, more high extension, and extremely good midrange, as good as other full size cans in that price range. Big step up from ESW9 and aside from the smaller soundstage from the small housing, he says it sounds really good.
  23. These headphones, being not-limited production headphones, will only go down in price, as per tradition. The L3000, being limited production headphones in demand, will only go up in price. Hope that makes your decision easier
  24. [url=http://www.phileweb.com/news/d-av/200810/16/22364.html]
  25. Hint: attenuator
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