I'm building a PIMETA for the learning experience and it's going to my sister if it works, so I'm not looking for anything fancy like discrete buffers. If you want to sell your BUF634s, I would most gratefully buy them. (How important is it to have buffers?)
Something about it breaking at a joint or sleeving breaking out or something. It was a while back and I really didn't care about the Denons after what I read so I stopped paying attention, but it could have been just the D2000.
I got notice that the cheap JP retailer got them back in stock and shipped it to my special place.
I'm debating whether or not I want to keep it mint and sell it later or use it. Does it really show its limitations vs full size headphones of similar price (+-$100) or can it hold its own? I know slwiser thinks they are good enough, don't think I caught anyone else say anything about that.
All of them run fine. The difference is in efficiency (overkill wattages are bad because most PSUs are inefficient at low loads) and silence (adequate cooling is easy; silencing while maintaining that gets harder).
Most of the impressions of the AD1000PRM I've read do not look good. They say it's got nice clear mids and highs, but has the less desirable bass-less AT sound. Less bass quantity than the AD2000.
The demo is out, and it looks to be lots of great fun. The first two stages of the first scenario (out of 5?) are really hard on expert. It's very teamwork and you WILL be bumrushed if you try and Rambo it.