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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. The K701 almost got the opposite reaction from me. The huge soundstage confused the crap out of me, being diffuse and hard to grasp, but after a week or so I got used to it and came to embrace it.
  2. Sorry guys, I was misinformed about hifiman and assumed it had digital out. Guess you're back to your ancient iRivers or something.
  3. Actually yes, given how little of the people buying this thing actually want it and how little putting it on would contribute to sales, while the negative impact of having more parts on it would be pretty non-negligible. *points at HiFiMAN*
  4. I also thought HD600 > HD650. Of course I like the K701 so that makes me a loony.
  5. Fungi

    slow forum

    I agree mostly, but if there is a meaning within something that can be enjoyed without looking for it (like good literature) then it's fine. If the meaning or message is the central part of the work, I find it inferior to something with better presentation and no meaning. Of course this is all general, but I prefer to not have to go sleuthing for messages in my arts.
  6. If SA6 build quality is any indication of general Sleek robustness, I'd look somewhere else.
  7. He starts out by saying he's encountered breaky Omegas and non-breaky Omegas, as his main Omega's gone through many breakings while his sub has yet to fail. Anyway, the sound... Good high end, resolution below Omega, low end a little loose, good attack at low volumes, lower peak volume than expected He likened the sound to "a Lambda that hadn't been used for two years" and said that the mafia (okay he didn't say that) should understand what he means by that.
  8. Would a P-1 be fine for say, $800? The prices are going down in Japan since the P-1u is coming.
  9. You will listen to iPod+something cheap for a month. Then listen to a modest rig <$1k. Then you will listen to your crazy cables and such and laugh. And cry.
  10. Yeah, I was never a big fan of the HD25-1's sound, but portability wise they're hard to beat. I have no problems tossing them in my bag for travels and the isolation isn't bad. SRH840 is a much better headphone (for sound) IMO.
  11. Actually the correct incorrect answer is the whole tube amp...C2C part. Since it's got no tubes, you know?
  12. I see that Bojamijams is banned, but he only started the feedback thread and isn't rhys h. Of course I apologize if it wasn't you but an earlier incident that got him banned.
  13. The Opera was a long time ago, I think I had the VDA-2 at the same time.
  14. I can't remember what it was but I also had another more capable DAC...
  15. The Opera was getting a taste of its own shitty DAC. I don't remember what else I was using, but honestly I've seen enough about the technical aspects of Meier amp internals to confirm what I heard. The Opera is just bland as hell. As for type of music, I really will listen to anything and that wasn't it; I can't say the Opera did anything better. Since you were quick to say something was wrong on my end, let me mention that possibly your source has negative synergy with correct amps.
  16. Fungi

    Grado GR8 IEM

    Same down to the exact specs, except the VSONIC goes down to 8 instead of 20 and up to 28k instead of 20k!!!
  17. Real quick, Headfive < Opera <<< M^3. I have been unfortunate enough to actually own an Opera. When I heard the M^3, the music came alive. Guess who's not buying anything Meier again
  18. Fungi

    slow forum

  19. Fungi

    slow forum

    Is that serious, or one gigantic parody? It's pretty funny, but also very if this was a serious effort.
  20. Fungi

    slow forum

    Haha, brilliant.
  21. Don't forget this is the same SAA that makes a balanced cable for AKG's 3-pin mini XLRs.
  22. Or Craig's, for that matter. wtf is his problem?
  23. MS-2i was the "unofficial" name of the revamped MS-2, with the newer fatter mushroom cups rather than the standard cylindrical ones. The new new MS-2i is called MS-2is. Tricky, ain't it?
  24. Stuff, like Rihanna and Beyonce, obviously.
  25. Fungi

    Grado GR8 IEM

    Did Grado even design this? It looks like they asked for an IEM with "GRADO" on it and the GR8 is what happened.
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