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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Fungi

  1. Midori - Second
  2. Fungi

    slow forum

    It may be old but it doesn't mean xzibit should get his panties in a bunch over it. Memes always run their course anyway.
  3. Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. Good album, not Ghost's best, but I was just surprised there were 1s and 2s for it. Got any recs for rock out psych stuff?
  4. Ghost - Hypnotic Underworld There are some pretty negative reviews of this on Amazon
  5. My friend recommends HP for laptops, and that one you linked looks pretty good. If you want a strictly business looking laptop ThinkPads are always an option, but I'm not sure how much their minimal models cost.
  6. Fungi

    slow forum

    I wish music videos today were like that.
  7. Oh, but they do.
  8. The spatial reproduction? I slapped on Baroque Duet with strings, vocals, and trumpet (Wynton Marsalis!), and the space was most realistic on the K701. YMMV and all that good stuff.
  9. Fungi

    slow forum

    Haha, that's brilliant.
  10. Better than black triangle Toshiba?
  11. Fungi

    slow forum

  12. It's damn well about time someone made a stand like that Woo.
  13. Acix is all over those GMPs, what are they really like?
  14. Fungi

    slow forum

    Haha, that's too funny. I do it sometimes with my roommate in the other room, so it's not as awkward as in a toilet stall.
  15. I'm gonna go with deepak here; Fox Confessor was just really too good.
  16. Question is, did he slip it over the rubber of the Canare cable, or cut that stuff off first?
  17. Haha, techflex. If you want a sampler of this nylon multifilament (just give me a length for one or two cables) just let me know. I only have it in the thinnest 1/8" type, if that works. Or you can just dew eet, since there's not much else to sleeve with.
  18. Have you tried ingenuiTea before or are you just jumping in? Because that thing looks really cool.
  19. Google "nylon multifilament" and you can find cheap spools of it.
  20. You might want to put a tinfoil hat atop your DAC to prevent aliens from taking over.
  21. I heard Horse Rotorvator a long time ago and loved it, a friend just sent me Ether and it's great, so I'm just going to throw Coil out here preemptively while I obtain some of his music.
  22. Fungi


    Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical D6600029 Mouse - D6600029 - Buy.com This is one of my favorite mice of all time. It's the only mouse I'd consider in the "cheap" bracket, and is still good enough to be your only mouse. Now on sale for half of its usual price!
  23. It definitely came off as a thinly veiled serious offer.
  24. http://www.head-case.org/forums/192631-post74.html
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