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Everything posted by ayt999

  1. how about xtreme4099?
  2. well, it's you're fault for listening to non-Redwings advice from the loonies in the GoRedwings19 Computer Help Hotline.
  3. ayt999

    Balanced RS-1's

    awwww... I want to try some balanced RS1's again, and some of those tube adaptors seems like fun too. and what's this about a balanced Qualia? must be great if it's your favorite balanced headphone. I don't have any balanced cables right now for my Qualia.
  4. you tried to conceal yourself, but apparently not as well as utep10 who's cap we can barely see in the picture. well, maybe you didn't try to intentionally... I think us on the other side of the table didn't pay attention to the picture taking since it was far away and thought we wouldn't be captured. at least that was my take on it.
  5. well, there have been mention already about how you weren't supposed to use "Head-Fi resources" to invite / inform people about this place. like this post for example, and I'm sure there were others. http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,164.msg2131.html#msg2131
  6. I've invited NeilPeart personally while we were heading to the Saratoga meet, but he seemed a bit uninterested in another headphone forum due to lack of time to read and contribute to even the current one he's a part of. also talked to raif, who seemed interested, but he hasn't signed up yet I believe. I'll talk to him again about it sometime... he has my W5000's right now.
  7. and when he's back on op morph can come back to de-op and we can have a op / de-op war? sounds like fun... what are you all complaining about?
  8. I didn't really like the KSC35's when I heard them, but for $15 to $25 they are a good deal I suppose like others have said. for somewhat the same price I may like my ATH-RE3 better (got them for about 2500 yen new)... of course I never had a chance to compare them directly and there's some personal preferences at play here.
  9. I use a running springs audio haley and a PS Audio P300. both seem to have minor improvements usually, although it isn't the main reason I use them. nowadays the P300's main job is to run my source at 100 volts (using my Japanese market Accuphase in the US so might as well run it at spec if I can), and the haley pretty much is an elaborate power distributor to match the looks and class of the rest of the gear. about the only thing I run without power conditioning is the SDS-XLR which sounds best without using a P300 or haley in between, and Iunplug it when I'm not using it. cut down on risks a bit.
  10. yup, that's raif. and I'm the one sitting on the left at the very end.
  11. a DA53 should be shipped my way tomorrow or so. should have it by the end of the week unless there are unexpected delays.
  12. pretzels? hmmm... pretzels. what are we talking about again? I should have listened to that zhalou while at the saratoga meet, but I didn't really do much listening with most of the gear. too many people, and most of it really didn't seem that interesting to me. I did listen to a certain someone's super great tube amp (or so he wanted me to believe) and it really was spectacularly bad, or so I thought when compared to amps overall. doubt this zhalou would fare any different with me.
  13. yummm... pink bubble gum ice cream is great too. haven't seen it around in a while now.
  14. only when you master the language you'll find the true meaning behind the "ru." it originates from a machine translation Jahn did a while back of a japanese headphone guy's personal site (he's also a head-fier, but he rarely posts) and because of the intricacies of the language, and also probably because the machine algorithms are lacking, stuff get pretty messed up at times when it comes out of the scripts. hehe. doesn't help that the structure of Japanese and English are quite different and sometimes hard to corrolate. also, it doesn't help that his writing style is a bit peculiar (I suppose a lot of bloggers write more casually and write in a relaxed and unformal style so it isn't that odd??) and thus the machine translation doesn't catch what is actually being said at times. that said, the thing with the "ru" is a bit odd that it isn't translated properly since it's a standard verb modifier (what isn't?). look around post #50 for the origin of this silly thing: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=96762&page=3
  15. well, everyone missed them in Saratoga since I traded them a while back for some ATH-W's anyways, they are going to be traded back to me in another trade, and I heard they've been shipped out already. lol.
  16. ayt999

    Balanced RS-1's

    the weight wasn't the problem but rather how the cables were quite the immovable objects and secured the RS1's in a particular location in space so they wouldn't move freely with my head every time I moved about. a bit of a problem when the cable weighs several times more than the headphone and the headphone's clamping force is a bit weak to compensate.
  17. hey Phil. nice to see you around.
  18. ayt999

    Balanced RS-1's

    I would say most likely no... but if there is a difference it'll have to be a very large one for me to go with the extremely unwieldy high-bandwidth cable, well at least the way gpalmer recabled his (which is now Hirsch's balanced RS1's) using one four-conductor high-bandwith cable per driver.
  19. coffee.... the H?agen-Dazs one is pretty good.
  20. ayt999


    hehe, that's sort of how I felt when I heard them too. of course I didn't buy them and the waiting was for the Saratoga meet to occur, but wait I did. but then the cans cost less than most of the ones I have, so I wasn't expecting anything overly impressive.
  21. that's good to hear. thanks for the info.
  22. no, I meant 6SN7 like I've posted.
  23. I really like the SED winged-C's in the Blue Hawaii. much better than the Valve Art or EH's. although those are the only ones I've tried since EL34's are fairly expensive and don't last too long. I hope I'm not missing out too much, but I don't feel like spending the money on NOS EL34's like I've been doing with the 6SN7's.
  24. 6NS7's rule, yo.
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