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Everything posted by ayt999

  1. what do you know... my amp looks exactly like that.
  2. I think your mop is missing it's mop handle hungrych. anyways... these i(cky)Grados look like something I might find for $5 or $10 at one of those backalley Akihabara shops that sell junk they found for cheap in China or somewhere. or perhaps it's the way they took the picture with that blue background.
  3. well, so Stello is Korean? hmm... guess that's a bit better. you suck
  4. you sellout.
  5. umm... starting from the "H" it should be the ATH-W11R, ATH-W1000, vintage RS-1, ATH-L3000, Qualia 010, PS-1, and ATH-W10LTD. just some cans that were around... which is why there isn't the other two L3000's and R10 in it, since they were in their boxes and cases. same reason why the HE90 isn't in it too.
  6. my sanctuary....
  7. I believe when they say driver... they only mean the driver. make the most use of your used parts sales by selling everything separately as much as possible. my K1000 has a serial number slightly past the 11000 mark. guess that's good.
  8. ewww....
  9. why did you interrupt his train of thought hungry? now that you've intruded into his one-man posting show I don't know if he can continue his stream of consciousness after your interjection. so rude.
  10. so then you are a sellout giving them tons of free advertisement since they offered you a freebie IEM? why can't I get people like you.
  11. looks nice... but can't they make the foams in black or gray rather than yellow?
  12. oh really. must not be that good if you can manage to ignore it and write a coherent post here.
  13. update: plenty of L3000 and W1000 pads left, but the W11 stock is almost gone from this batch. $5 discount is still in effect.
  14. for all I know there are no new L3000's for sale in Japan anymore.... I was there recently (came back perhaps a month ago) and all the stores I went to were out of stock, and of course there are none left at the AT factory for them to order. perhaps you'll get lucky and your friend may stumble upon a store demo for sale or something along those lines?
  15. I own the W5000 but haven't seen my pair since late february due to a couple people borrowing my pair since the meet in Saratoga... but from what I recall of my W5000 and listening to the AD2000 in stores I think I prefer the AD2000 since it doesn't have coloration from a wood enclosure (the W5000 coloration seems a bit odd to me, being different from the L3000-type coloration which I prefer) and I think the sound is more balanced. I was thinking of getting an AD2000 recently but couldn't find a good used pair in Japan so I didn't, but I would think the W5000 and AD2000 are relatively similar in performance and presentation, although I would have to compare them side-by-side to really make any comments....
  16. there was one at the saratoga meet and I missed it? darn... I was too distracted by Ori pushing his superb (as in it does a great job at making stuff perform very suboptimally) DIY tube amp that I probably missed it. if I had known that it was such a great amp and the best thing that ever existed I would have made an exeption to my usual disregard for the low-end gear and taken the time to hear it.
  17. sort of.... the L3000 has much better bass quantity and impact, along with a fuller sound, more body, and soundstage. the AD2000 is a bit leaner and brighter, but it captures the general feel of the L3000 and is more similar to it than most others.
  18. I obtained a few of these at a slight discount so I am passing on the savings to you guys. I also have two other types available. Quantities are limited so it's on a first come, first served basis. The prices are already low and I'm running this more or less like a group buy to help the Head-Case members (and the members of that other forum), but If you mention that you are a member of this forum with handle in the order, I'll take an additional $5 off the total in the form of a refund. available types: HP-L3000 (for the ATH-L3000. high quality italian lambskin leather) HP-W1000 (for the ATH-W1000, ATH-W100, ATH-W10***. synthetic leather) HP-W11 (for the ATH-W11JPN and ATH-W11R. original natural collagen combination whatnot earpad) all L3k earpads still in stock currently spoken for. no W11 earpads in stock at all. - as of June 2007 I'll test the HP-L3000 earpad to see if it'll work with the other ATH-W series headphones. I think it'll fit just fine, but might as well make sure since I do have all the other headphones to test with. http://www.wyvernaudio.com/ATHpad.htm
  19. Reks broke something again? what a suprise.
  20. it's a neglected little amp... for a while after the last meet I didn't pay much attention to it and did a great job losing it. (it was actually sitting in the exact spot I placed it when I got back from the meet. figure that.) I'll have to redo it since the way it's currently set up there's no way I can put volume knobs on the shafts since they are too close to the output sockets (as in they are touching the sockets)... maybe I'll move the boards to the other side of the case and situate the volume controls on that side and use the current holes as LED holders or something. slight oversight on my part during the case selection at the wonderful ratshack store and I got one that was a bit too close to the minimum size that'll work.
  21. darn grado copying me. evil them. here's my small form-factor balanced amp....
  22. it's your favorite lego lunchbox company, Laconic!! (through Eddie Current) http://www.eddiecurrent.com/
  23. looking at the size of it seems like it'll have to be a White Castle burger.
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