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Posts posted by jp11801

  1. http://www.guitarcenter.com/JBL-LSR-4328P-Studio-Monitor-Pair-103552667-i1152811.gc

    MikeG fron Headfi has a pair of these and they sounded really good he has them set up in near field arrangement. They are not my be all speaker but performed well at their price point. If you have a GC near you pick up a pair and take them up on their 30 day return policy. You'll know in a few days if they are for you and since they are powered the amps included you'll just need stands. If you get monitor sized speakers do not discount the need for decent stands and the cost they add overall.

  2. I really like Green Mountain Audio speakers, what about the Callisto:



    GMA makes absoletly great speakers, a local guy here has the $10k calypso's and they are amazing. They like many high end speakers respond to fine tuning the placement of them. When I first heard them he had them set up in about the worst way possible, straddling a 52" rear projection tv, and they sounded pretty awefull. Pulled out 18' past the tv they immediately opened up. I highly recommend giving these a listen their tonal accuracy and detail are outstanding. I would have to imagine the smaller ones would share many of the same attributes but who knows.

  3. what's the story behind this? I'm assuming you're referring to the 500V Black Gates?

    Craig built the Zana and my amp with caps he had custom spec'd from his Moth days he was about to run out on the last batch of Zanas. He went back to get more made and the price tripled for them hence the increase in price. These are the two large caps that stick out of the top of the amp.

  4. I would second Nate's suggestion to get a tan and check out amps at the same time in Florida for CanJam08. if you can get a listen to the Zana it's one of my favorites although with the rise in cap prices the amp may be above 2k when you are ready or is you go to CanJAm get a listen to Boomana's SP Plat Extreme, it is not the garden variety SP and sounds great. I am not sure I'd go 2k on solid state I think you can get a more musical and detailed sound out of tubes at that price range. Others may disagree though.

  5. :useless: I would like to see the actual evidence I have scoured Dan's data and have not seen evidence to substantiate your spurious claim snake oil salesman, next you are going to tell me that cables make a difference :rofl::kitty::doghuh:

    maybe it's the gin talking but show me the proof :stick:

    I have to say, I thought there wouldn't be a huge difference over DirectStream to my Opus, and it isn't a huge difference, but ASIO sounds noticeably better than DS.

  6. well 27 days since I bought the duet and I still think it's tops, I am just about ready to sell off the cosecant :kitty:

    the little dac really competes at levels far above its pricepoint and I would say it safely would compete with dacs in the sub 2k range and potentially above. The dac lacks the last bit of body some of the uber dacs or cdps have but I would safely stack this up against the transporter, dac1, cosecant, mini dac... the only thing I wish for is just a touch more body but still it has more than the previous mentioned dacs except the cosecant which loses on points for bass depth and tightness (I hate deep but ill defined bass and don't mind giving up deep bloat for less depth with definition and speed) .

    I am looking forward to the Mayberry on Acid meet to see what the peanut gallery thinks although I am convinced that people's minds are clouded by price and form factor when listening to gear at times . I am convinced that if you put a hornet in an amp case with glowing tubes and matched it against a hornet in normal clothes people would overwhelming choose with their eyes. Which goes back to this dac in that I believe the mac only, small form factor and sub $500 will lead to comments like . It's good for the price or lacks refinement... because people inherently listen with their eyes.

    I can't wait to match up the pico and the duet out of my Mac mini rig/Eddie Current HD2 to see how these two stack up on the dac front. I believe the pico may outperform the duet from a headphone output standpoint but the dac sections I dunno?

  7. If you are interested in tube cdp's, you might also want to be on the lookout for used eXemplar modified Denons. I have jp#'s old unit and it's the best digital source that I've spent any real time with. I've only briefly listened to Meridian's and can't really compare the eXemplar sound with the Meridian sound.

    I would wholeheartedly recommend the exemplar to anyone at it's current audiogon price it is a steal, nothing in the $1500 will touch it for redbook. The sacd/dvd-a is just ok but the redbook is where the exemplar shines

  8. Apple made it so apogee only had to worry about the quality of the converters, and handled everything else for them. Saved them a lot in development costs. The result is unbelievable. It's cheaper to buy a duet + a mac mini than to buy anything else comparable without the mac.

    I am remain impressed with the duet in my rig and feel that the apple only core audio is most likely the reason for the great sound and low cost. This is one product that breaks the price paradigm and show you don't need to spend $2k to get great sound. To me the sole quibble is the klonky breakout cable is a PITA for home audio use but is a small price to pay for the duets price to sound quality ratio. For $1300 you can get the mac mini a 750gb hard drive and the duet and have enough space for over 1500 cds

  9. well the one and only time I heard the new Grados was at the meet I held in San Leandro. I have a vintage brown leather pair and FooMe brought his new RS1s and there was no comparison to either of us. I felt a little bad telling him I thought they were way off the money but he readily agreed that the new ones sounded off. To me they were muffled sounding like a blanket was cast over the music. I am pretty sure he sold they pair quickly and tacked down a vintage rs1.

    That said it is a personal choice as to whether the oldies are worth the scratch. Having heard the brown leather and next series after that the black leather no serial # they sound alike to me and are a much better value on the used market. I would not buy a new pair of these after hearing what they used to sound like.

  10. Damn, as a Mac user, you guys are making it harder and harder for me not to pick one up to try.

    Mike and jp11801, I've got couple of questions for you -

    • How does the volume setting work - do you just set it at its maximum volume to use it through an amp?
    • Does it work with Front Row?

    I set the volume for max there is a knob on the unit as well as a screen interface for volume

    I just tried it with front row and yes it works

  11. JP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTMJP#s/tyrion FOTM

    Al has a bad case of the stutters

  12. Your example of using a Mac mini as an entertainment server is very similar to using this new dock in an office environment; it's not the Mac mini home entertainment server, it's was intended as a low price computer. Apple probably designed it as such to help get people to switch...have an old Dell, well toss ut the CPU, save the monitor and keyboad and BAM, buy a Mac. It's certainly nice that it works as a home media/entertainment server, but that's not how it was marketed. But there's no crime in that now is there?

    Get over yourselves.

    I am going to have to disagree with your positioning of the mac mini. It comes bundled with ilife 08 made specifically to handle home entertainment from apples mac mini page

    "Live the digital life in stylish simplicity ? up to 39% faster.1 Just 6.5 inches square and 2 inches small, Mac mini lets you have more fun with your music, photos, and movies, more quickly and more easily. Enjoy them up close or far away with the included Apple Remote. The most affordable way to Intel Core 2 Duo, iLife ?08, and Front Row starts at $599." so Apple highlights music, movies, photos and a remote to me that is a home media server? YMMV

  13. Even very expensive speakers will immediately let you know the presence of many different drivers and crossovers. The great ones will get close, but never all the way to what a single-driver crossoverless electrostat headphone can do.

    But single-driver speakers are not the answer, either, b/c unless you're a headphone, single-driver in an actual room has *severe* limitations in frequency extremes.

    super hemps from Omega Audio are 37hz to 18k I would not call that a severe limitation in the frequency extremes :doghuh:


  14. I am not saying yet the Duet is better than the Cosecant but they certainly are different. Some of what I'm saying seems to be consistent with jp's findings. When I compared the Pico to the Predator, I felt the Pico had a more refined hifi sound. It was the more balanced dac/amp combo. I'm thinking that might be the case hear, that the Cosecant is more balanced and refined. I'm trying not to let the relative cost of the two items influence my findings. I wanted qualify my earlier statements.

    to me the duet has deeper bass, potentially better detail and images better than the cosecant and the cosecant provides vocals and instruments in the midrange with more body and warmth. Mike you and I see the duet in different terms or are describing the same thing very differently. I see the duet as faster, maybe more dynamic and brighter but you has described it as warmer. I would not classify this dac as being warm at all it reminds me more of the ayre cx7e fast detailed , great image but maybe just a touch thin in the mids (or accurate and I have become used to mids thicker than natural?)

    Either way I would unconditionally recommend the duet to any mac user who is looking for a great dac under 1k that punches far above its class. By way of tech data this unit is said to use Cirrus CS4272 dacs I know nothing about then other than they are a 2003 design according to the Cirrus page. Anyone know anything about these chips?

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