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Posts posted by jp11801

  1. Also at CanJam he was using an SCD-1. I'm sure the source played a large difference in the sound as well.

    if anything the source in NorCal was a significant step up from CanJam. The NWO is a world class player that is incredibly smooth and detailed.

  2. The307a sounded amazing, I listened to it with ps1s, hp2s and ed9s. While it sounded great with all three the hp2s sang through this amp. Normally I prefer the ps1 but out of the 307a the hp2 was the winner. This amp is clearly a top performer and should be considered by anyone purchasing a top of the line amp. Personally at 6k I would like to see a better case but my EC hd2 is not going to win a beauty contest. I am actually suprised to see this amp not steal some thunder from the b52 or rudi balanced amps.

  3. after hearing this amp while 6K is alot of cash and I prefer a different look it is easily a top flight amp and taken in context of other top end offerings stands on it's own given the price. If I were looking for an amp that kicks ass with a wide variety of headphones and sounds great with them all this would be one of 2 or three amps at the top of my list. At 6k I would take it over the B52 and it right up there with my HD2 and the SP SDS xlr amps. It has the added advantage of being readily available as well.

  4. ETA is tough as is price, it may get the Moth exterior treatment which would be cool but may add to the price. Probably upper 2k range and probably late summer early fall.

    The other potentially interesting news is Craig may have a SS stat amp in the works as one of his colleagues from his Harmon days has a new circuit built up. Right now it's just a singlr channel test bed but we'll see. When asked I though he could sell a run of 5-10 if it was in the mid 2k range and performed at or above the kgss.

  5. Oh phew. SDS/Qualias/Esoteric UX-1 still sounds good. Do I really need a nautilus? Harder to say now.. leaning towards maybeyes still though just because I've always wanted something Eddie Current.

    <<jedi mind trick on>> yes Dan you need a Nautilus, call Craig today <<jedi mind trick off>>

  6. as a somewhat contrary view I always like the dynahi over the beta amps. Although the dynahi doubles as a portable space heater it continues to be my favorite solid state amp. The beta is a great amp something in the presentation leaves me slightly detached from the music while with the dynahi I am immersed in the music.

    The builds on the betas were better though my Veda was of suspect build quality mostly attention to detail but sounded great.

  7. As an 'SC alum, I'll be the placeholder if no "real" LA people can make it. LOL sometimes I love being right in the center of this mess we call California.

    Peter please bring your camera gear as you photos put mine to shame.

  8. this thing could get large fast we have 18 sign ups in one day! Nice mix of newbies and Bay Area regulars. These meets do a nice job of showing folks what's possible with headphones, they wreck alot of lives.

    We need an amp for neilvg's he stats and the HE90s I do not think the ES2 leaves the house anymore

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