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Posts posted by jp11801

  1. Well here is some fresh meat for the peanut gallery. I got this off our resident gear whore Tyrion a while back in a gear swap. The Berendsen IPA 80 is from Germany and retails for about $2000 but they recently pulled out of the US market.

    From the website and visually there are three transformers one for the pre and one for each side of the amp. They talk about the power of the amp coming from ring emitter transistors ( I have no idea what the fuck that is). I will say this cleanly slays the Krell 400xi I owned briefly and thought sucked.

    The main bonus this amp presents in a killer headphone amp that is so ergonomically challenged it has me questioning the designers sanity. The HP jack is on the rear of the unit and to turn it on you need to press the tape out and standby buttons on the front of the amp. Once activated it is top shelf and think it competes with the best out there. I have no idea if it draws from the amp circuit or is a separate entity.

    Here is a link to the amp from the manufactures web site

    Berendsen Audio - produkte - ipa80

    Here are some gut pics for those that know what parts are what. I'd appreciate any thoughts about the amps build and design.

    overhead shot




    closer internals


    one of four large caps that I believe are for the PS



  2. as headphones bring out more detail (in general) yes you will hear more of the LPs imperfections. You can greatly reduce this with a decent lp cleaner, I really like the VPI 16.5 over the nitty gritty designs. Also check out the steam cleaning thread on audiogon I have found that a good steam cleaning removed the last bit of crud in the grooves. Please read the thread prior to attempting steam cleaning though.

    Used records often have groove distortion from shitty needles, broken needles, quarters taped to the top of a cart.... you can not overcome this and I just toss these. I went through 4 copies of Marvin Gayes What's Going On to get a good copy. Most jazz lps thankfully seem to have been played on better setups. Rock and R&B can be a gamble.

  3. So this thread is not an example of piling on and gang mentality? Please. At least the people calling for honesty from the threads subject should be honest and call it what it is.

    You can take it as a criticism or an an observation and if it makes me a pussy in someones eyes, well I have been called worse.

    Jim absolutely you are correct this is a pile on, but I ask you why does this occur with some people and not others. Why were people like you and I welcomed here and others treated to a pile on?

    When I act like an asshole and someone calls me on it, I actually take a minute and think about it, consider the persons ideas and often realize hey they have a point. In this case there is zero introspection on her part. You are not a pussy for your post at all just empathetic to someone taking a hard hit.

    Oh and the size thing is a bit harsh if I were a female I'd be a size 14 or larger for sure. I'd probably not disparage other female engineering students in my headfi profile though.

  4. I understand that you feel that way, but I am just wondering how a bunch of people bashing me would warrant a ban?

    I didn't ask for this thread or the attention. It was brought upon me and I have tried to bear it with a smile. If people get it out of their system, all the better.

    Did I name call? Just because I may see things differently does not mean that I am some aweful person.

    I did join to set the record straight and then got bullied into revealing a project that was still not done.

    Personally, I would have preferred anonymity and it was the way that I had browsed in the past. The wealth of information here is much more concise and doesn't involve filtering through a hundred "I have $100, reccomend me something" threads.

    I call BULLSHIT on just about everything in this entire post

    You are an attention seeking person with a real talent for "LOOK AT ME!!!!!" posts. I am sure you are not an evil person but you are a person that has a complete and utter lack of introspection. Nate and others have really tried with you and with each turn you have either purposely ignored their advice or have been completely oblivious to it.

    If you prefer anonymity then maybe lay low for a bit learn a little and understand that after your track record on headfi you are going to have to earn a good reputation both here and there. One thing that makes me feel older and older each day is the feeling that new college grads do not understand the concept of respect is something you earn, it is not granted just because you think you are hot shit.

    I would really encourage you to take a few days to ask yourself ' have I brought any of the shit on myself' , ' was there something I could have done different' and ' ' does the sun actually shine out of my ass or am I wrong about that'.

  5. Please do not insult my friends. They both work co-ops doing work for well known companies (one doing balistics analysis, the other in FPGA/circuit design and are good at what they do).

    If the company I work for has an urgent need for post it cubicle art you and your friends are the first people I will call.

  6. so are your cables warmly nuetral or nuetrally warm?

    If we are wrong that's cool but you make it so damn confusing, first you show us your third world dorm room then your "companies" web page invokes imagines of engineers running around in white lab coats. Why not just tell the truth, plenty of sucessfull companies started in dorm rooms or garages, HP and Dell for example. You lose credibility in a landslide when at every turn you pretend to be something you are not (knowledgeable)

  7. Originally Posted by sarn-industries.com

    This company benefits from their experience as all of them are professional engineers. You get professional quality by trained engineers.

    three kids in a dorm room with a leaky roof sharing a soldering iron is more like it

    Good luck with your cable company, you may be a year too late as the space is already pretty crowded.

  8. Guys enough already, the Marin meet and SoCal meet are both going to be great times. Neither one is going to have a big impact on the other and could be cool to see the gear that California has to offer for CanJam 09.

    How about we just support each other and give up the debate contest and no one is going to let CanJam09 collapse over a minor schedule conflict and some comments in a meet forum.

    The only thing that sucks for me is I was planning to attend both meets but due to needing to check out the logistics of the Hilton in LAX and spending time with the SoCal org team I really need to go to that one, sorry Grahame I know this meet is going to be a blast!!

  9. I really want these but I am going to be strong and pass, although I am unleashing a few headphones.

    Nate don't be surprised if you see the stat rig up for sale I may be moving up in the world

    to be sold

    RS1s and lambda pros and srm1

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