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Posts posted by jp11801

  1. Vickie does not sleep during meets, she tends to spend 36-48 hours listening to gear or drunken ramblings from the rest of us. After she herds us all back to the hotel and after we pass out she takes full advantage of all that gear.

  2. Earl mine is about a month to two away from completion mainly just cosmetic challenges now. Did you do two sets of tube sockets or one? I stuck with a design that focused on 6sn7s but with the flex to use 9 pins with an adapter. I had won some v-caps at the VSAC conference in Portland earlier in the year so the amp is getting those. We also went tube rectified instead of SS, I've heard great amps with both implementations but the builder wanted to go tube rectified.

    The early version I heard with garden variety parts was outstanding and easily played at the level or above the level of the Raptor, MPX3 and Zana when we heard it at VSAC. Some of this may be my enthusiasm for the design but the proto was not a looker and if anything my expectation should have been lower based on the eye appeal of the amp.

    Earl, when are you getting yours

  3. cough Doug Deacon cough

    certainly he is a big fan of the Doshi pre and I stumbled on to the Doshi pre from a ZYX thread I was reading by Doug however there seems to be a decent sized core of people that have heard the Doshi pre and think it plays well in the Shindo range and above.

    Al and I checked out the Ayre gear yesterday and damn the ayre pre/power combo mated with the Wilson Watt puppies was really special. Probably the deepest bass with definition that I have heard from a system. The mids could have used more life but that proved to be more a factor of the Wilsons more so than the Ayre. Probably the cleanest most defined image I have heard. Later in the demo we swapped in the nagra pre amp and it was not a good match as the bass lost most of its definition and did not go as low. On the up side the mids were really nice and the guitar sounds were more correct sounding to me with the nagra. I would not want to live with the nagra (not that I'll ever have the $$$ for it) after hearing the ayre's ability to play both low and high with amazing definition without ever getting bloated in the bass or harsh in the highs.

    After some time we wondered what the ayre sound sound like on a speaker with a bit more body. The guy who did our demo was really accommodating and brought in some Sonus Faber speakers (I think they may have been the cremona m's but Al can verify this). This was more my cup o' tea as they had more body and warmth than the Wilson's just not the bass slam and they were not nearly was wide open sounding. In short the aryre gear seemed to perform equally well with both speakers.

    Just a quick word about the retailer Music Lovers in San Francisco, they were top notch and really went out of their way to accommodate. Yes I know this was a high $$ system we were listening to but I left with the impression they treat all their customers well. If you live in the Bay Area they are a great resource and had some nice used gear in house as well.

  4. bought a new/old phono pre amp, picked up the Mod Squad (McCormack) Phono Drive and a McCormack DNA-1 (power amp) gold up graded by SMc audio including added balanced inputs. I am not sure if this will best the Berendsen but it is worth a shot. The phono pre is in da house and the power amp is about a week out.

    Oh Earl I love the Millet SS car theme very cool and maybe a perfect work desktop rig amp.

  5. I have never heard the Doshi pre amp but many of the analog folks over at audiogon speak exceedingly high about it and in particular the phono pre section. They take a bit of a wait to get and you pretty much have to buy them blind when buying new so the chance to hear one local was really intriguing.

  6. i am a crazy packer -- i bet i could pack it well enough to survive shipping, but finding that screw or something that would achieve the same end would be ideal.

    provided you pack the cover separate, pull the platter and sub platter (if it has a removable one) off and wrap that separate, secure the tonearm well (remove if possible, remove the feet if they come off. Not saying it can't be done but most packers approach it like it is a cd player or something and at a minimum trash the cover.

  7. Are you still using the Zyx cart on your Sony?

    I didn't get the X75 I posted about due to just being too busy at the time, but I'm still keeping my eyes open if I find one locally.

    yes, the ZYX Bloom is still my favorite cart under a grand. Although at .24 output I have to get a phono pre with 60db gain or better to get it good volume.

  8. while the AD1 is on the expensive side it is still in the same range as the best new production 300bs like WE or KR at $500-800 a pair. I am sure that Craig can sell a pair or two to amp buyers at his dealer discount. Which would probably put you at $500. So this is not so far out there when you consider that David in your 2a3 amp you had well over that in tubes with the rectifier and driver.

    As long as I got 2 years of heavy use out of a pair I would consider that to be worth it of the amp was Craig at his best, which I strongly believe this amp will be.

    Oh and yes it was a bitter sweet gathering for me as I said farewell to the HD2. While this was by far the best amp I have ever owned I am in a downsizing trend and find myself listening more to speakers when I listen. Believe it or not the amp in the Berendsen is actually not too far off the mark and I have a Stacker ll amp being built. I commissioned the Stacker ll prior to considering the sale of the HD2 but $$ trouble got the best of me, don't get old fellas.

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