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Posts posted by jp11801

  1. This would be the one that would end in divorce, which I'm told by my divorce lawyer friends, I can't afford, so I"m out. Although, jp did come up a plan that I say I'm going to Cleveland for a meet.:confused:

    find a town in Europe that sounds like an American town and go there then come to the meet that way no lying or take Gail and make it a second honeymoon in Europe. Isn't Amsterdam the diamond capital of Europe.

  2. Saw McCoy Tyner and Marc Ribot at Yoshi's in Oakland. All I can say is if you get the chance see him on this tour. McCoy is as vibrant as ever and played with amazing skill and passion his interplay with Ribot was special. The rhythm section as utterly bland particularly after hearing Jack DeJohnette and Ron Carter on the CD but as long as they weren't soloing they were fine.

    Many thanks to Al , Claire and Ric for a great birthday dinner and concert, you guys salvaged a completely shitty week for me.

  3. So I meet up with Al and we proceed to go the the home of the seller of these ATC beasts and he opens up the garage and we are welcomed to the site of two HUGE boxes with canvas green carry straps on each end. These were much larger than I or AL had expected. I now know what it will be like for the pall bearers at my funeral because lifting these was like carry a dead fat man. Well Al and I managed to get these into the back of the mini van and headed black to his home. After I took a detour around the SFO area Al and I got to the business of unpacking one of these beauties.

    Had we fully thought this out we might have taken them up the stairs in their shipping crates as the finish is a work of art. But no we unpacked them in the garage, wish we had filmed this, and were stunned to see them in person. I immediately began to freak out worrying that I might drop one of these while carrying them up the stairs. After Al smacked me a few times and called me several names I agreed to carry them up the flight of concrete stairs with him. They are not super heavy at 112 pounds but there is really not anywhere to grip them. We got the first one up the stairs and thanks god Clarke arrived to assist with speaker number two. Funny situation number two is two grown men lifting a speaker off the ground with armor piercing spikes on the bottom while man three tries to get discs the size of a dime (maybe smaller) under the spike so we do not trash the wood floor. Well after three hours we got them, picked up, unpacked, positioned and ready to fire up.

    Listening to the ATCs last night was a real treat. At first they sounded blah and I was really worried. I was ready to run for the door but figured the amps were cold and the drivers had not moved in weeks as well, so I trotted off the kitchen for a beer and hung out for a few. After about a half hour they really began to sing and they improved steadily as the night progressed. These just about took my head clean off when listening to the Rain Song by Led Zep I heard things on that track I have never heard. We did listen to many great recordings as well in particular a Flamenco track that Al uses alot and holy shit the pick attack on these speakers was amazing.

    I do however do not believe we were hearing these at their best as we were going direct out of the Emm Labs and the Doshi ALAAP pre should improve things a bit. The sound was the largest and full of life I have heard, not as defined as the Wilson Watt Puppies but better in all respect. This rig did nicely improve upon the Wilson>Ayre>Nagra combo we had heard earlier in the month.

    After I got home I spent a solid 30 minutes cleaning out my drawers after hearing this rig. Al may have to host a Bay Area listening party (sorry Al for volunteering your home) these are simply too good to not be heard. Yeah Yeah they look nice and all but the sound is just amazing.

  4. Ok I am hooked on both the US and UK versions of the show, my source for the UK show only has episode 1 and 2. Any people over int he UK or Australia have a way to rent the DVDs and convert them to AVI files for me. I'll pay for the DVDs and shipping and we can work out anythings additional if required.

    Anyway I really like the concept but I am a sucker for cops shows and with the sci fi twist it is a winner for me. The 1973 NYC vibe is a nice touch as well being from NY anyway. Any other fans of the show out there?

  5. What I am questioning is why you believe the administration thought the intelligence was wrong as opposed to knowing it was wrong. Hillary and Kerry's access to the intelligence was controlled by those providing the intelligence. I believe the administration knew the intelligence was bs and invading because that was their plan from the beginning. I don't believe for a minute anyone can conclude that had Kerry or Hillary had been in the same position as Bush, they would have done the same thing. If they did, I would have the same opinion of them as I do of Bush.

    Mike both Kerry and Clinton unfortunately did not stand up when called upon to do so primarily in my opinion because it would have been political suicide to do so. They were smart enough to know better and chose career over patriotism (IMHO).

  6. I'm not arguing the intelligence was wrong, I'm arguing that everyone believed it at the time. If I were president, and given that information, I would have invaded too. As would Hilary and Kerry, who were both on record believing the intelligence. At the time, the choices were to believe the reports or take Hussein's word for it.

    Your point is interesting as the way intelligence was managed during this administration was vastly different than in previous administrations. Intelligence was managed by the executive branch in a way that was not seen previously. You can take piles of raw intelligence and get the conclusion you seek. This is why there are analysts who sort chaff out of these things and come up with credible reports. In this case many raw data points were used over the objections of the analysts to support the claim of imminent danger.

  7. Well every republican voter I know is pretty pissed off at the spending that occurred under Bush. Some to the point of calling him a bad president, but not all.

    The basic argument for the spending is obviously that those in charge felt it necessary, and put safety above all else. "Spend now or spend far more later".

    To me, Bush was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Had he not used all the resources available to him to prevent terrorist attacks, and had a repeat performance of 9/11, it would be political suicide. That said, I'm disappointed myself, but not to the point of considering him among the worst of the worst. People seem to forget the evidence presented of WMD's, and Hussein's own history of biological weapons. Pretty convenient.

    Its also a bit odd to me to pretend that a democrat would not have spent similar money, even if in different fields. The global warming thing became a runaway train in the press, and probably would have spawned significant damage if mandates and spending grants were given out. That too would be ridiculous to some, less ridiculous to others, the same way defense spending is now.

    With all the attention given to "pork" these days, its my hope that both sides of the isle will get with the program. Hopefully we can get the "Google for government" people are talking about.

    couple of quick points, invading Irag one of the most secular governments in the middle east as a means to prevent another 911 is a waste of resources if post 911 safety is the objective. The history of biological weapons use in Iraq occurred under the Reagan administration and then under the Bush (the father) administration. Our own people who were on the ground as weapons inspectors showed no evidence of an ongoing program. Remember Iraq at that time had been under pretty brutal sanctions that severely limited their ability to raise capital and we were flying daily missions in both northern and southern Iraq enforcing 'no fly zones'. There was no credible evidence of weapons unless you include forged documents regarding yellow cake uranium, a bunch of old metal tubes that were not specked for centrifuge use or third grade drawings of train cars with weapons labs in them provided by coerced testimony from an Iraqi living in Europe. This is the reason why intelligence agencies need to be allowed to do their work free of the executive office telling them what to find.

    As to a democrat spending similar on other things fair comment, for the money spent on Iraq we could have provided FREE health care for all or given out free college educations to every high school graduate or maybe fixed our crumbling infrastructure and yes as you duly noted installed a solar panel on every house in the US. I would have supported any of the options over an occupation of Iraq. I am not sure if you are aware that over 50% of the govt spend each year is on 'defense' this spend is more than the rest of all nations on earth combined.

  8. As a matter of fact it was brilliant if you know anything about strategy. Bush fought the war in Afghanistan where is could be won. Then he changed the battleground to one that was winnable when the enemy ran into the mountains. Sending troupes into mountains of Afghanistan is like sending sausage into a grinder. If you wanted to fight them fight them where you can win. Draw them out and you can deplete their strength. Go in and you deplete yours.

    If Obama goes into mountains of Afghanistan's and Pakistan I will take that as Obama only wanting to weaken us as I believe he actually plans to do and to do so to place the blame on someone else such as Bush.

    Those here seem to be so smart but yet have no memory of all those Democrats that also supported the war in Iraq because of the intelligence information. Weapons were found after a long investigation. There is no sense in showing the evidence to those with such closed minds. It is on the net just look. Early release of the info would have lead to others hunting for it. Therefore when it was cleared then the info release but then no one wanted to hear about it.

    Apparently to some 9/11 is lost in memory as well and it's effect on our country. I could make a case that this latest phase of this centuries long war started under a Democratic president 30 years ago, Mr. Carter with his demonstration of weakness. Will the latest Democratic president elect follow President Carter's rather weak example in foreign affairs and just how much more blood will this weakness cost us in the future? Obama has shown only disrespect toward this wonderful country of ours during his public life. He has no respect for this country's military, it's constitution (his own words) or this country. I fear for her.

    When you have a moment try reading 'All The Shah's Men' by Kinzer for a more comprehensive understanding of the Iran situation. I honestly do not blame the Iranians for the Islamic Revolution we left then little choice.

    Unfortunately many of us have a fairly shallow historical understanding of the Middle East. Iran had democratically elected Prime Minister that unfortunately the CIA mistook as a communist during the height of the Cold War. We did not need to bring democracy to Iran they had it for themselves. Since 1953 we propped up the Shah, trained the Savak and armed Iran to the teeth (10 billion dollars worth between 1972-1976 alone). We then gave Sadam the green light to invade Iran after the Shah (our man in Tehran) was deposed by a popular uprising. Then Sadam uses weapons of mass destruction on Iran and his people with our full knowledge and wonder why they hate us. They do not hate us for our Freedom as GWB often states they distrust us because the Brits and Americans have screwed the Iranians over since oil was discovered there in the early 1900s. As far as Carter goes I do blame him for continuing to back the Shah and send arms to him but this situation started long ago and was policy for 20 years prior to his presidency.

    I am pretty sure no one has forgotten 911 particularly those that were born and raised in the shadows of those buildings but using that horrible day as an excuse to invade Iraq, gut the constitution and create mass fear as a means of extending control is Orwellian and criminal. The Democrats and Republicans both should have been less spineless in those dark days and held this administration to a higher standard prior to invading Iraq and signing into law the (un)patriot act.

    As far as your statement regarding Obama showing nothing but disrespect for this Nation, our military and constitution I am going to have to disagree on all points.

    As far as your point goes about weapons of mass destruction they were outdated and no longer viable chemical weapons held in storage and not ready for use. If he had weapons of mass destruction they would have been used during the war or at a minimum put in a state of readiness for use.

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