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High Rollers
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Posts posted by jp11801

  1. Yeah all those replies to me were today. He has been on the ball with communication. Of course that doesn't excuse anything.. not in my case.

    Dan here's to hoping that you get your amp and it is what you expected. I hate to say it but at this point you should be keeping all options open and start to begin to exercise them like a complaint to the Colorado Better Business Bureau for starters. I like the guy in person but this theory that he can add additional shit to a repair job and them expect the customer to pay the bill when it was never approved is insane.

  2. It never fails to amaze me the utter paranoia of people and you ASR when RSA in concerned. While Ray and I have had our differences the use of the word corrupt clearly accuses Headfi namely Jude of financial gain from RS in a way that is not above board. Quite frankly Steve that is just insane and a bit immature, there are plenty of ways RSA could pay Jude and or Headfi that would not be cloak and dagger like maybe a sponsor forum or banner ads has that thought ever crossed your mind.

    While I do not agree with the rule of no mention of HC on HF and I told Jude so I recognize his right to run the forum he started and financed his way. Personally I could give a crap that you don't post over there hey I'd love it if some of the other review crazed members took your same pledge as well.

    While HF is not always the place I wish it would be my complaint is not with the Mods or Jude but with the mindless members that follow pied piper pseudo reviewers you that claim to be all about adding to the community without ever admitting that they love the ass sucking they receive for their wordy reviews from members that lack experience that often fail to say all that much of merit.

    rant off.

  3. Deadly week for me, do not read the Hoffman music forums in the vicinity of your credit card. I subscribed to the Music Matters Blue Note 45 RPM series, ordered the Miles Davis Analogue Productions 45 RPM box set and picked up a copy of the Beatles White Album on the advice of the guys over at the Analog Room in San Jose.

  4. jp you got the keys to the supply room closet? i need a place to stay :P

    looking forward to my first ever trip to the west coast.

    You are on your own CJ but hey the room is only $89 + tax and if you find a roomie you are not going to do better price wise anywhere in LA, well except maybe in Inglewood ;D.

  5. Tough call, trying to keep all the people happy, all the time. How close can another meet be to the annual, in time and space, before it is seen as diluting the draw of the main meet? At least, now, we have a fixed(?) location and date, so can avoid stepping on peoples toes.

    Grahame great point, I'd say it would be pretty nice if people did not schedule major meets say 60 days out or closer. Minis are fine and at the end of the day people are going to do whatever they want but it would really be appreciated if members would hold on big gatherings as the date approaches.

  6. with some luck I'll be in San Francisco for a conference on Apr.20 - Apr.24. Why not have a meet around then?

    Because people who are into the community try not to hold meets that step on the annual.

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